Stan Hill
{K:35352} 4/10/2010
Thanks James, I appreciate the complement. I enjoy finding the unusual in the ordinary. Life is full of small surprises for the senses. This was one of them. be well, stan
James Cook
{K:38068} 4/10/2010
It can be pretty tough to get those "I see a rabbit" images captured photographically. Not only did you succeed but the face itself is a work to give Picasso pause.
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 4/19/2009
Thanks Krishnendu, I appreciate you nice comment and also enjoy what you are posting. You have some great images. Be well, stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 4/19/2009
Thanks Mark, the old wood did most of the work over time. Thanks for the encouragement. Be well, Stan
K r i s h n e n d u - The NoOne
{K:12059} 4/19/2009
very nice abstract Sir and well spotted:)
Mark Southcombe
{K:2910} 4/19/2009
Well spotted. Excellent work.
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/31/2009
Thanks Barbara, one of those images that took on it's own life. I saw it after I printed it. So glad you liked it too! Good luck in your show. I am trying to get into a couple of art shows this summer. Have a great week. be well, Stan
Barbara Kite
{K:6977} 3/31/2009
wow, I like this capture, it does look like a face, very interesting, Thanks for letting me see this through your eyes, excellent job my friend. BK
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/30/2009
Thanks Gust@vo, I appreciate your kind words. This was a fun find. I did some different versions in some other colors and found it to be fun playing with it. Be well, Stan
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 3/30/2009
WOW!, que buena foto, muy buen ojo para los detalles el tuyo! Felicitaciones!
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/29/2009
Graci, I appreciate the thoughts Rasna. This was a surprise find. Be well, Stan
Rasna 69
{K:8916} 3/29/2009
ottimo particolare che mette in risalto queste belle venature. buono il dettaglio! ciao!
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/29/2009
Thanks Stan, this was an out of camera experience. When I printed it out I saw the face when I turned the print 90 degrees, a pleasant surprise. Yes, Harry is a good man. Keep him in your thoughts as he tries to overcome his struggles. I know you care as well. Be well my friend, Stan
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 3/29/2009
Marvellous photoart dedicated to great Man. My best always... Stan C.
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/27/2009
Thanks Rashed, I appreciate your kind comment. I found the textures and tones of this fun to look at with so much wear from the weather and the axe marks. Have a great weekend!! Be well, Stan
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 3/27/2009
Sharp textures here and looks to me like a great painting with lights, I also like the orignal colors.
Thank you my friend for sharing this wonderful well exposed and composed photograph with us.
Wishing you all of the best
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/27/2009
Thanks Arian, this post was laying on the ground and just liked the textures. When I printed a proof I saw the face. Sometimes it is just there if we look long enough of from the right direction. Be well, Stan
arian berisha
{K:13697} 3/27/2009
E X C E L L E N T ,,,peace of art Stan,,,great capture,,, be well my friend,,, Arian,,,
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/27/2009
Harry, Hanna will have to remain in your dreams. No archival photos of her in my repertoire. I sure do hope that the meds help you out, not fun to have to suffer. I always have room if you need a change of pace, and believe me it would be a change. LOL!! Have a good weekend and keep getting your rest. Be well, Stan
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 3/27/2009
Thanks Stan, I feel honoured. Good you choose this and not Hannah Montana ( might be also an interesting subject ;-). Meds will take 2-6 weeks to work ( for this med 6 out of 10 respond to it. Well see ) If it works, prepare the visitor room for me, us ( and for Hannah Montana hmmmmmmmm ;)
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/27/2009
Thanks Erland, have a good weekend!! Be well, Stan
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 3/26/2009
Again a good capture picture erland
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/26/2009
Thanks Malules, just a chance discovery. I am glad you liked it as well. I walk a lot and am surprised what I run into without looking for it. This was one of those times. Be well, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/26/2009
Thanks Dan, just a small find when I was shooting some pictures of an old farm house and windmill. Glad you liked it to. If I am almost in spring you must be headed for fall, correct? Hope you have a great weekend, it is almost here. Be well, Stan
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 3/26/2009
Excellent abstract, dear Stan!! love it! hugs, Malules
Dan Wilson
{K:21104} 3/26/2009
Lovely dedication to Harry Stan, I love the shot, the details patterns and tonal colours are superb.
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/26/2009
Thanks Anindya, just came out when I looked at the printed proof. Did not see it in the viewfinder. Rather be lucky than good, less pressure! Be well and thanks, Stan
Anindya Chakraborty
{K:12765} 3/26/2009
Excellent spot my friend....I liked it. Be well...
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/26/2009
Thanks Shirley, took the picture in landscape style and turned it to portrait and saw this. Getting some heavy snow tonight. Be well, Stan
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 3/26/2009
A most interesting capture, Stan.:)
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/26/2009
Thanks Yazeed, it was a surprise find. Be well, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/26/2009
Hi Ali, thanks, I have liked much of your latest post. Just do not always comment but always do appreciate. Be well, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/26/2009
Thanks Saad, I appreciate that. Your words are kind, my best always!! Be well, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/26/2009
Thanks Armando, this was laying on the ground by a fence. I did not see the face until I opened it in PS. Thanks for the thumbs up. Be well,Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 3/26/2009
Thanks Subhranil, I spotted it when I turned the original image 90 degrees. I printed a 4x6 proof and saw the image. Thanks for sharing, I like your work and appreciate the comment. Be well, Stan
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 3/25/2009
Wow! GREAT details!!!
Best wishes, Ania
M jalili
{K:69009} 3/25/2009
Beautiful muy friend . REgards ..........
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 3/25/2009
Excellent work regards Ali
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 3/25/2009
great fine,and very well captured, a very fine dedication to Harry from a noble man, Saad.
Armando Giambolini
{K:17779} 3/25/2009
Great , unusual shot this one dear Stan !
Congrats .
Subhranil Das
{K:6869} 3/25/2009
fantastic capture! very intersting patterns...congratulations for spotting the "face". Regards,Subhranil.