Near Nashville, Indiana - misty spring morning at the lake - tried to sharpen the image a bit, but seems to only add graininess. The tiny specks near the Canada Geese are their off-spring. Wish I had a very strong telephoto lens for this shot.
I like it. I agree it's not very sharp. In case you would not know, for sharpening it is best to use the "unsharp mask" command instead of the "sharpen" or "sharpen more" commands. You can then play with the parameters to get the best result. There are lots of articles on the web illustrating the usage of the unsharp mask. A polarizer may have removed some of the blue in the trees, but it does not disturb me. As for the composition, the eye movement goes from the geese right to the vanishing point - that is, where the grass stops. Maybe the geese are a bit small indeed. Now it seems they have to go a very long distance to the main focal point too. What do you think ?