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 By: Caterina  Berimballi  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Caterina  Berimballi  Caterina  Berimballi {Karma:27299}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model ..
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Landscapes
Lens ..
Uploaded 9/2/2005 Film / Memory Type ..
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1331 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 51 Rating
/ 11 Ratings
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Country - New Zealand   New Zealand
About returned to One Tree Hill again this morning...

hard to stay away when there's fog like this...
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v e n u s

There are 51 Comments in 1 Pages
Dorina  Grezda Dorina  Grezda   {K:315} 6/18/2007


Neven S. Neven S.   {K:1642} 5/3/2006
fantastic image..


Chevue Thao   {K:44} 4/3/2006
i love how ghostly this image looks.


Joel Aron Joel Aron   {K:14920} 2/15/2006
Wow Rina!

This is amazing! Well done. nice processing, and wonderful tones. The depth is so nice!

well done!



Karina Brys Karina Brys   {K:16541} 2/2/2006
I love fog. It makes such wonderful images. Good work!


Alberto Di Gangi   {K:2375} 9/26/2005
Marvellous photo! Skilful Rina.
Thank youfor comment my photo
Alberto Di Gangi


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/22/2005
Cheers Larry! Thank you, I'm delighted you stopped by to take a look around.



Larry Donnelly Larry Donnelly   {K:644} 9/22/2005
A very worthy winner, dead on composition and lighting, i can feel the mist on my face.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/8/2005
ben meritato.. (well deserved it)


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/8/2005
Thanks Mike! A nice boost to the old ego!!

Still no joy at being able to post a comment on your image though...

Take care


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/7/2005
Grazie Roby! Sono felice di essere riconosciuto in questo modo.

Tanti abbracci


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/7/2005
I love it!


mike donovan mike donovan   {K:3698} 9/7/2005
This is just awesome Rina. Congrats on the award!!!!Well deserved!


Igor Sivjakov Igor Sivjakov   {K:4671} 9/6/2005
Good! Congrats on the BIP!


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/5/2005
Muchas gracias Gustavo!


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 9/5/2005
Hermosa niebla contribuye a crear un fantástico clima.


Robert Jones   {K:1692} 9/5/2005
Beatiful and moody. What lies beyond the gate...


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 9/5/2005
looks very dramatic and the atmosphere:)

best regards, Pia :)


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/5/2005
Thanks Pan! I'm off to see what you've been up to lately...



Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/5/2005
Thank you kindly Bruce! You make it sound way more scarier than it looks... Cheers!


pan g. pan g.   {K:16899} 9/5/2005
So moody landscape!! Well deserved the award!!


Bruce Harper   {K:5305} 9/5/2005
Good title, its almost as if the tree is standing guard over the locked gate with branches ready to entangle anyone attempting to go on. Very moody image, congratulations on the award.


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/4/2005
Many thanks to you dearest Mohamed!


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 9/4/2005
congratulations with a big 7


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/4/2005
Thanks so much Janet!!


Janet B Janet B   {K:16139} 9/4/2005
Wonderful image!!
Congrats on the BIP!! Well deserved!


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 9/4/2005
Well it's just a thought Rina, it's beautiful as it is, but I thought it might add to the eerie feel too...wonderful work...:):)


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/4/2005
Grazie Roby. I'm glad you liked it so much!



Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/4/2005
Thank you Carsten! I'm luck enough to live only a stone's throw away from this magical place, so will definitely be going back again and again...



Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/4/2005
See, this is why good critique is so important. I hadn't originally considered a vignette. It just didn't occur to me. But now I understand how much of difference it would make. Particularly, as Andrea Musi suggested above, if I were to print it.

Thanks Linda!


a. M. a. M.   {K:9020} 9/4/2005
thats a beautiful shot.....i love that tree. and i also like the fact that past the fence/gate, you cant see anythingbut fog. well done Rina\



Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 9/4/2005
love the mood of this image.. nice tones and lighting.. good work


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/4/2005
absolutely sad... great mood.. I love it!


Carsten Ranke   {K:14476} 9/4/2005
Yes, everyone has his haunt ;-). It is a good idea to visit interesting places again and try other lighting or weather conditions. An interesting scenery deserves several approaches. I love this one, it`s foggy atmosphere, it`s lighting and muted colors. NIce the square format and very good composition !


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 9/4/2005
Awesome, eerie, love the bare tree, the fog creating a wonderful mood, what do you think about a little vignette on this one? Very Nice work Rina...:):)


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/3/2005
Thanks Karina! Absolutely love your street photography btw... going back for another look now.



Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/3/2005
Thanks for the encouragement Tabitha!



Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/3/2005
Thanks for your comment Avi!


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/3/2005
Thank you Sergio!


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/3/2005
Thank you Louise! Glad you liked it. Wondered about the foreground myself... but didn't really have much time think between seconds of stillness and the early morning joggers who flock to this hill!!


BTW congratulations on the BIP for "Jilly"!


John Test   {K:1956} 9/3/2005
great.i wouls pront it and frame it.xo


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 9/3/2005
Thank you Andrea! Yes, I understand what you mean about darkening the top right corner. Will keep that in mind...



Karina Brys Karina Brys   {K:16541} 9/3/2005
Unusual landscape and therefore very nice!


Tabitha Woods   {K:8650} 9/2/2005
Dont change nothing Rina, this is simple yet stunning, well worth going back for, well done
Regards and thanks for your comment on my pic :O)


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 9/2/2005
Nice silhouette Rina. Fog is such a nice natural filter.


jude .   {K:14625} 9/2/2005
Excellent image, Rina...extremely atmospheric with hazy silhouettes and lovely soft tones. Really well done.


david henderson david henderson   {K:16659} 9/2/2005
Yes, yes, yes.....this is a lovely image, Rina, an 'enquiring' silhouette, what does the sign on the gate say? ...where does the gate lead to? the light and dark contrast in the tree branches is rich and somewhat unusual, the composition is so good, its a beaut, personally I would change nothing,well done. cheers, david.


avi saar   {K:2728} 9/2/2005
special atmosphere, well done, avi


Sérgio Pinheiro   {K:171} 9/2/2005
Good color!


Louise Vessey   {K:13862} 9/2/2005
Great feeling and atmosphere here. Maybe just a hint more foreground at the bottom would improve? Still I love it as it is.


Andrea Musi   {K:1622} 9/2/2005
Moody with all this fog, if you do the prints by yourself you could darken the area upon the tree, I mean the corner on the top on the right. If think this should create a more dramatic effect and "close" the picture.




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