The is another sunset attempt. Cropped because I included too much foreground. I live in a beautiful part of the UK, but we do have an oil refinery near by. The only time this look nice is when the sun is setting near to it.
Andrew - I put the pink border in using a photo edditing program called photosuite. It was a freebe that my mum had with her scanner. (I can't afford photoshop!!) In my program, there is an edditing tool that lets you add a border, of any size, and any colour. I'm not sure how you do it in photoshop, but I should imagine that it is quite straight forward. What I do with my editing, it just to play about with an image - that seems like a good way to learn.
Unless you have a better object near the horizon I feel the refinery is OK. You need something there and if you don't have a natural one like the trees in your previous post then this is the next best thing. The cropping improves the photo more than you think, in the way that it gives it a panoramic shape and the border is nice too. Did you do that in PS? How? I would like to try it too.Thanks and well done. It looks like you have found a new type of photography that you seem to be very good at.
as alex said above, there is certainly a shot waiting to be taken here! From experiences of driving past all the factories at sunrise over lovely Swansea and Port Talbot(!) they can produce some dramatic effects, as I am sure Milford Haven will! The refineries may look ugly at first, but it's quite a challange to make them look 'beautiful'. Look for the plumes of smoke and steam, the flames out of chimneys - honestly, there's loads to take pictures of!
Sarah, there is definitely a good shot here. Sometimes, at dusk and before all the colour in the sky has gone black and when the factory lights go on a close up shot could look amazing. The only problem with this view point, in my opinion, is that there is little shape on the horizon to hold interest, but there would be if you moved in closer.