Peta M
{K:170} 2/1/2006
Love this storyboard! As well as many of your other gorgeous images, this one is so fun and bright! Thanks for the comment on my pic!
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 1/20/2006
:))))) i was so pleased this. lol!
bets wishes, tutku.
Kay McIntire
{K:11787} 1/20/2006
Really cute story board. The colors are vibrant and eye catching- I really like the child like font too. A cute set!
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 1/19/2006
Fabulous shots and great combo of them!! So cute... the big yellow rain coat and even bigger red umbrella... and aren't puddles fun... LOL!!! Love the way you've captured the 'action' of splashing... well done!!!
Paul Royer
{K:1836} 1/18/2006
Love this set of shots. Great colours and takes us all back to our youth. Thanks for sharing.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/18/2006
C U T E !!!
Cernan Catig
{K:2905} 1/18/2006
Danielle, what fantastic shots and layout on this. im surprised nobody has given comments yet. when i sdaw it, it reminded me of my younger years watching Sesame Street..dunno why.. i really like the cropping of each, the contrast in colours and the movement in these pics. title is great too! keep up the great work!