Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 1/30/2006
very interesting and you managed to show all this is a great capture , all of the best my friend .
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 1/28/2006
Ha, ha, HA!
But I can assure you that the ad has as little to do with DOG and as it has with GOD. Interesting PS filter, though...
John Bohner
{K:8368} 1/28/2006
Roger - I looked at this one for a long time. Then I realized it was not a Japanese thing but a German thing. I checked the image for Bessaflex distortion, found some and then ran the Photoshop filter 'Invert Bessaflex distortion'. The image makes much more sense now. Thanks for bringing this one to our attention. - JB
Japanese ad with distortion removed |
abhra aich
{K:8830} 1/26/2006
Gabriela,I am very sorry if I have hurt you.What ever I have told was from my personal experience. I am sure you can tell a lot of things about many Indians and surely they don`t represent my country well as for the japanese too.Abhra.
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 1/26/2006
Jeanette, I read Japanese and I assure you it makes no sense to me at all, nor to Gabriela Tanaka's Japanese husband! I saw another couple of odd ads this morning and will add them to my collection. These too were for pachinko (Japanese pinball and slot machine) parlours. Weird!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/26/2006
Make no sense for me but it´s cool! :))
Gabriela Tanaka
{K:16594} 1/26/2006
Dear Roger, as a shot I believe it is a good capture, clear, sharp and colourful. About its meaning...I even got my husband to look at it, but....he is baffled,too.But YOU, as a person who has been living in Japan for more than 30 years, cannot take it at heart from the Christian point of view, because you know how things go here with words from English. I once had a Japanese lady, who was selling Bibles, come at my door and she asked me:" Do you know God?" I know she meant well, but it was hilarious!!!! Well, well, this capture was really something to look at!Thank you for posting it! (Though jingoistic expression of feelings - like the one from our member Abhra - I do not welcome at all!) All the best to you, Gabriela
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 1/26/2006
Gabriela, if you are going to make a critical comment, please identify to whom you are replying! I nearly had heart failure when I received this mail!! Now, of course, I realize it was not a reply to me...
Gabriela Tanaka
{K:16594} 1/26/2006
Don't you think you are rather rude??? What if I told you my opinion about Indians from India? I believe jingoism is not exactly welcome on Usefilm! Gabriela
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 1/24/2006
Very strange Roger. This one seems to be a head scratcher! ) Nice capture though. Susie
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 1/23/2006
Excellent job Roger, the colors look very nice despite the uneven lighting top right and left under. Very good scan work with superia. I replied to your question Roger, I hope htat is what you are looking for.
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 1/23/2006
Hi Roger, frankly it makes me laugh. Any excuse (and word) is good to capture our attention and make business. There's people in all the side of the world that is killing other people in the name of their God. At least the Japanese adv has captured my laugh but not my soul. Bye Giuliano
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 1/23/2006
Hi again Roger. We get to see some aspects of Japanese TV advertising on a programme over here and there are items, this one at the top of the list now, that defy any explanation. Thank you for sharing this colourful but mind-boggling example of advertising gone mad. Best wishes.Ray
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 1/23/2006
Well, Jim, Abhra's comment sprang from his experience, which is so different from ours... Your comment about Coffee explains a T-shirt slogan that mystified me last year: "Coffee is GOD." I even took a photo of it for my Japanese ads folder. It did strike me as a rather extreme endorsement!!
luis pereira
{K:26013} 1/23/2006
Offensive or not...I do think it comes across Roger. It's all about money and it looks like the Japanese business community don't necessary think they have to be respectful of religious values in the US. Very strong post for sure. An essay could be written about this image. You got me thinking with a simple photograph. Thank you.
Jim Murray
{K:738} 1/23/2006
I agree with you Roger. I also married a Japanese girl and I think Abhra's comment was dumb and rude.
Incidentally there is a brand of coffee here in Japan also called "GOD". I've seen it in vending machines.
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 1/23/2006
Dear Abhra, thank you for the comment, although it makes me sad. "Big shots" in many countries are not very pleasant to deal with, and I can assure you that the great majority of Japanese people are kind, gentle, thoughtful and generally a pleasure to be with (I married one!).
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 1/23/2006
may be its apprivation for some words , Best wishes Dear Roger .
abhra aich
{K:8830} 1/23/2006
I do agree with you and I dont even like the Japs anyways recently I meet two big shot Japs in India and I didn`t like them at all for their attitude.Abhra.