Deepti DCunha
{K:891} 4/11/2003
So cool...apt title!..great control over the light!
Ula Pieńkowska
{K:884} 4/9/2003
Love simplicity in this one.You're master of light :)))
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 4/3/2003
Beautiful... or in other words... Great... I love the simplicity, and the power of the composition.. you've got a wonderful eye for abstract pictures... great work Michal
Michal Wojciechowski
{K:1279} 1/23/2003
I guess you all have seen 'Matrix' movie... so the most adequate paraphrase of citation here wolud be:
-There is no fork...
:))))) _____________________________
OK, my opinion of abstracts in photography is that interpratation of what you see is totally free, in other words - what you see is what you want to see, some may see a nude model (that's me, really), some may see reflections of candle flames, some may see... a fork. And that's OK for me. Let it be a frog... hmm... fork, sorry. Definitely a FORK. :)))))))
thanks for everyone for participating in fun best regards michael
John Myers
{K:4308} 1/23/2003
definately a fork, or so i think.
great shot, had us all guessing. very cool.
Michal Wojciechowski
{K:1279} 1/23/2003
A fork????
Jeremy Guzman
{K:119} 1/23/2003
could it be? could it possibly be...a FORK! yay...i win.
Michal Wojciechowski
{K:1279} 1/23/2003
Dear Megan, Sure... the subjects end is located on the corner of the stool, the only source of light is a candle ...and, believe me or not, the background is a white plain wall. I used a tripod, if I remember well it was 1/4 s., f2.8 regards, m
Megan Forbes
{K:4617} 1/23/2003
Lovely shot! Any info on how you prepared this?
Michal Wojciechowski
{K:1279} 1/23/2003
Well... it is... a... ****! Right. You know that. Thank you A LOT for comment.
Martin Krievs
{K:195} 1/23/2003
great title -it's got my attention - what is it? could be part of a motorbike or some stange alien cutlery?