Lynn De Serres
{K:471} 11/30/2006
Truly a magnificant photograh. Your entire portfolio is quite impressive.
Regards from Lynn
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 10/13/2006
WOW!, impactante perspectiva, como quien mira la grandiosidad del paraíso. Felicitaciones!
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 9/25/2006
Your composition and perspective are excellent Josep...very nice...:) Linda
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 9/23/2006
Josep great angle and perpective my dear friend !! saludos jo
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 9/23/2006
wow!!! qué perspectiva Josep!!! y... qué pulso!. Encantadora cúpula. qué detalles!!! Felicitaciones por la captura y gracias por compartirla!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 9/22/2006
A most beautiful composition, dear Josep. Might need a bit more contrast.
David Walker
{K:1148} 9/21/2006
Good composition, wonderful architecture. Very well done.
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 9/21/2006
You have yours eyes with you my friends,great capture picture erland
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 9/21/2006
Very impressive Architecture and captured from a very great angel and with wonderful composition, details and colors, wishing you all of the best my friend
txules .
{K:62768} 9/21/2006
me encanta la composición, has estado muy fino en no tratar de buscar una simetria central de la bóveda es mucho más interesante de esta forma; quiz´s el contraste es un poco bajo pero no veo forma de solucionarlo sin "cargarte" las luces altas; un abrazo...txules
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 9/21/2006
Super pov and I love the details. An HDR treatment would improve the look. Regards Ron.
josep alsina
{K:19880} 9/21/2006
Amigo Jakub, gracias por tu amable comentario y bienvenido (wilkomen) a USEFILM. Saludos de Josep
Jakub Koligot
{K:615} 9/21/2006
Very nice photo i like this! Well done! Waiting for comment! Best Regards. Jakub!
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 9/21/2006
Great angle Josep.Se nota k lo tomaste a pulso! Un abrazo, Tony.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 9/21/2006
Hi dear Josep! What a lovely architecture, impressive perspective. Love the well detailed enterior, very nice ornaments and architectural details. So wonderful photograph by you as usual. Nicely done.
Un abarzo my friend! Robert