Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 9/28/2006
I like it Jessie! VERY good color and the minimalist composition is spot-on . . . very engaging. Nil's right about the metering but you'll get that in time. You can shoot in RAW though . . . and then drop the exposure or raise it as the situation requires . . . You can also set your white balance too . . . (something to play around with . . .) it would adapt for discrepencies up to a full F/stop either way.
You'll learn all this stuff in time . . . for now, I'm enjoying watching you have fun . . . and I like the shots! :)
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 9/28/2006
I think so this is a great abstract composition with great colours and nice details. Great diagonal arragement. 7/7
Best wishes dear Jessie, Robert
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 9/28/2006
hi nil! i REALLY like the photo and how you changed it. i have to tell you that this is my first SLR and i am learning but wishing i had a teacher. i have NO idea abt metering, it just does it. i'll read the manual (again). it is frustrating, to say the least. THANK YOU for your advice!
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 9/28/2006
thank you, ray! i am working on DOF w/the new camera. it takes time!
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 9/28/2006
thanks, dave. i love to take pix of ropes. isn't it weird? i also love folds in statues.
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 9/28/2006
thanks, michele! yes, a ferry that was MOOOOOVING! it was all i could do to hang on. and take some pix, of course! ha. thanks - i am moving slowly but will get back and comment, i promise!!
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 9/28/2006
thank you, nessa!
Nilanjan Mitra
{K:12955} 9/25/2006
Sorry a suggestion what exactly I was meaning.. :) hope you like it...

Nilanjan Mitra
{K:12955} 9/25/2006
Very Nice capture... Jessie.. If you dont mind.. from my very limited knowledge.... can I ask you something ? what metering are you using ? if it is 3D Matrix then... after you get the exposure go for half stop down or set the cemara mode to half Stop down.. then you will get much more better results.. please do give it a try.. Just a suggestion :)
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 9/25/2006
I love the simplistic arrangement to this composition my dear Jessie. Your dof looks perfect to me with the accent of the pof in the right place. The colours are beautiful and lively and the details look great. Well done to you sweetie. My very best wishes to you as always....Ray;)
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 9/24/2006
I like your simple composition here, Jessie! Good colours and a nautical theme. Dave.
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 9/24/2006
It looks really good to me jessie... pretty colors and the water very natural ... all is clear and sharp ! I think you are doing very well ! Wow! You are on a boat too...( not like a kyack but still!) So nice to have you back!
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 9/24/2006
Makes a good abstract with texture and colours..nessa