SaMiHa Jawad
{K:1447} 9/11/2009
I liked all your business
Very nice
M jalili
{K:69009} 9/10/2009
Oh what a big work 7/7 . All my regards ................
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 9/4/2009
Another very cool shot! I like the composition and ps work! I also like your black and white work. You have a nice style. Look forward to your future work!
Paul 7+++++
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 4/25/2009
Excellent work!! regards, Malules
Kevin King
{K:139} 10/31/2006
I love the simplicity of this. Great composition ... Nice work!
Nellie Vin
{K:455} 10/24/2006
Thank you for your attention to my work, Nellie
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 10/23/2006
Wow....Now I feel turned around! lol Please forgive me for now welcoming you to the site in my first comment! I did not even notice! Welcome to usefilm.com Nellie!! :) I notcied you lived in NY! That must be soooo awsome! One day I will visit and get to take street photos! hehe Again .....Welcome to the site Nellie I look very forward to seeing much more of your work!
Your friend
Nellie Vin
{K:455} 10/23/2006
Paul, Thank you for your attention to my work and very kind words. Iam admire of your vision and creativity. Feel free to contact anytime. With warm thoughts, Nellie
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 10/21/2006
WOW Nellie this is one of the best artistic images Ive seen in a while! I love it! The compostition is great. Love the great depth you achieved. A superb job of post processing as well! Excellent work Nellie!!
Paul E Brumit
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 10/21/2006
très belle composition et n&b...