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boat, at night
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Image Title:  boat, at night
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 By: jessie voigts  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer  jessie voigts {Karma:6772}
Project #8 Reflections Camera Model Nikon D80
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio on the lake
Lens nikkor 18-200VR
Uploaded 11/30/2006 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 550 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 17 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Saugatuck
State -  MI
Country - United States   United States
About in my favorite lake michigan town, saugatuck, the kalamazoo river flows out to the big lake. this boat was all decked out for the holidays!

my question to you, my fine peers, is this: i didn't have a tripod, but used a dock post mooring thing, so i think it was almost the same. how could i have improved this shot? your comments are always appreciated!
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There are 17 Comments in 1 Pages
yehia el alaily yehia el alaily   {K:1251} 1/10/2007
great capture



stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 12/8/2006
Doyle has given you great advice and he is, after all, a fellow Nikon user........Best wishes again.....Ray


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 12/5/2006
I am serious tho about LOVING this Christmas boat !!

I still love it just the same ! It is tooo cool drifting around in space... reminds me of Doyle's Fantana Boat on white... I think he got an award for it ... your's is very simular and this is all compliments to you.. You are so smart to learn all of this on your own or with only critiques. I really admire it jessie ...
So happy lillie likes to play with it too but I understand the cringing , ha!!

Best Wishes,


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 12/5/2006
thanks, doyle! sometimes i feel like i am posting more queries here than shots i love. but i am learning - thanks for all your great advice!! i have to learn abt RAW - and figure things out. that is a great idea to do that - i'll get the old dog-eared manual out! :) i love this community and all the compliments (keeps us going, eh), as well as advice. i have learned so much. i am trying to load up that page and it keeps getting error messages. i'll keep trying. thanks!


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 12/5/2006
thanks, len. i am learning so much abt my new camera and the right way to do things! my old point and shoot was so easy. ;)


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 12/5/2006
thanks, ray! you and doyle give the best feedback with details! tripod? i know, i need to get one. release, i'll figure that one out! :) stop laughing. haha...

here are the details from the photo properties:
(*i have no idea which are important, yet. sigh)
focal length - 95mm
exposure - .625s
aperture - f/5.3
matrix metering mode, shutter priority

i know, i need to go back and read the manual!

thanks so much - as always. we were gone for almost 2 weeks - glad to be back home. i can't wait to catch up with everyone!!


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 12/5/2006
thanks, steve! much appreciated!


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 12/5/2006
thanks, ale!


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 12/5/2006
thanks dave - and easily cropped, to achieve that! much appreciated.


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 12/5/2006
thanks, michele - this night stuff (and the slr!) is all new to me. i am glad to learn from everyone! i think that the small light was a christmas light - i tried to get them all out of the viewfinder but i think i should learn how to do photoshop. all i do now is crop. sometimes lillie wants to do color (purple, etc.)...i cringe. :) thanks!


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 12/4/2006
Hi Jessie!

Marlyce and I just did a series of nightshots of holiday decorated boats on parade in San Pedro. It's a VERY challenging scenario to film that well! You did very good . . . but yes . . . I think the shot could have been improved a tad. Composition first . . . as has been mentioned . . . should be adjusted.

The problem with night shots of lighted boats is often the motion involved and the slow shutter speed necessary don't mix well. If the ship isn't moving . . . usually the water will move it. A tripod and a remote release is best in these cases to minimize the motion blur . . . and clearly this was a slow shutter speed shot. Since a boat on water (unless it's frozen in ice) will invariably move . . . that motion cannot be stilled . . . the only motion you CAN work on is your side of the camera. Your D80 can work with a very inexpensive remote IR shutter release (about $30.00 USD here). Another viable option is the delay shutter . . . say 5 or 10 sec. delay . . . so that the camera will NOT be touched when the shot is taken. That's already available in your camera! Using the post was a GREAT idea . . . I've done it myself from time to time . . . it's difficult but CAN be done and sometimes we don't have any other alternative. MANY of my tripod shots of the moving boats were horribly blurred.

Essentially . . . the best advise I can give you is to use the fastest shutterspeed with the available light that you can (shooting in RAW) since you can later increase the exposure two f/stops in RAW conversion. This WOULD require a few practice shots to get the idea of what can and cannot be done. Another thing to do . . . which may not have been possible here but may be possible in other shots in the future . . . is to try to get a stable . . . non-moving item into the shot to ground the image. ( Example ). Beautiful shot and a challenge Jessie . . . LOVE to see you branch out like this!!! :)

Doyle I <~~~~~


Example Crop (One of Many Possible)

Len Webster Len Webster   {K:25714} 12/2/2006
I think Stingray made all the right comments about this. Very impressive. (I only wish I had the know-how to make a useful attempt to answer the question you put to us!)

Best wishes, Len :)


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 12/2/2006
This is awesome sweet Jessie and a great result but something I would not have tackled without a tripod and release. Well done to you, the reflections are stunning and the tones, way cool.
You didn't post details of the exposure but I imagine it was long. You did well to brace the camera as you did and it becomes then a task of rigid contact with the camera and holding your breath. Yes, you did very well. Improvements? There are always ways of improving my dear friend and both Michele and Dave have given you ways to improve the composition without the need to re-take the shot. For your own amusement clone out those few extraneous lights and experiment with different crops to lay the boat off centre. Me? I love what you have done under really dificult shooting circumstances. Well done the lovely you. My very best wishes to you as always.....Ray;)


Steve Aronoff Steve Aronoff   {K:18393} 12/1/2006
A really cool shot, Jessie. Nicely composed!


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 12/1/2006
very nice shot jessie!


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 12/1/2006
A great nightshot, Jessie! Possibly the composition could be improved a bit by moving the boat off center slightly.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 11/30/2006
Amazing shot jessie .. I love it ! I really don't know how you could have improved this shot except for one tiny , tiny white dot on the upper left mid section that is a bit disracting to me because I don't know if it's a light accross the river or ? I think this is your Best shot ever maybe ! I love the reflections on the water they are amazing and so is the entire composition ... no horizon , just drifting in space . 7++++




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