Martin F
{K:2234} 10/13/2007
Heya John thanks for the comment on the beast lol. These guys get pretty big and are considered the baracuda of fresh water but, they don't bother anyone.
John Hatz
{K:156973} 9/24/2007
well what a beautiful ...''little'' face! hehe, excellent shot and thanks God not ic condition to...use that mouth! really scarry image Martin. Best regards!
Martin F
{K:2234} 7/15/2007
lol thanks Patrick! Indeed certainly not winning the pagaent. Most appreciated for the comments.
Martin F
{K:2234} 7/15/2007
Ciao Simone! Grazi for the compliments! Buona notte!
Martin F
{K:2234} 7/15/2007
Hiya Carl and thanks for the comments! Yes he/she/it? was an ugly bugger and they have some NASTY teeth! According to reports, these eat other fish, small ducks, turtles and other small critters that get too close to the water lol.
Patrick Crowther
{K:13393} 7/10/2007
That monster was never going to win the fish Miss World competition anytime soon, especially if it's a guy fish... that I'm not sure about. However, out of respect to this somewhat lifeless beast I would like to say it has great character and presence.
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 7/10/2007
Un soggetto forte e ben fotografato.
carl angus
{K:1440} 7/10/2007
what an ugggglllyyy mother! dont think i'd like to get that close to be honest haha.well done!