Sylvia Marriott
{K:12812} 7/17/2007
Hi Joe, I see it differently to you, it think that the grass is a wonderful foil for the butterfly, there is nothing to detract from the beauty of the butterfly, you get to see the full glory of the butterfly's colours without the distraction of other colours drawing the eye. Lovely shot with wonderful clarity and lighting.
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 7/17/2007
Thanks Todd, as I said to others, it would have been much nicer if it had landed on a flower or bush. Joe
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 7/17/2007
Hi Robbie, Thanks for the comment. Joe
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 7/17/2007
Thanks very much Michele. Joe
Robert Chin
{K:22282} 7/17/2007
Lovely butterfly with those beautifully colored out streched wings. Take care Robbie
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/17/2007
Great shot ! Excellent colors, and detail Joe !!!!! I love it !!!!! 7/7 Michele~
Todd Weeks
{K:7636} 7/17/2007
Hi Joe,
I have yet to capture one of these. Lots of Mourning Cloaks, Yellow Swallowtails, White Admirals, but this is a new one. Nice job!
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 7/16/2007
Thanks very much Nicole. Unfortunately such a pretty butterfly deserves a nicer setting. Maybe next time. Joe
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 7/16/2007
Hi Riny, Thanks for the comments. Joe
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 7/16/2007
That's very true Dave. Thanks. Joe
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 7/16/2007
Thanks Ayman, glad you like it. Joe
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 7/16/2007
Awesome macro shot Joe!!He stood model only for you...LOL!!Great colors and details. Nicely done. Cheers,Nicole
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 7/16/2007
Yep. It is pretty spectacular. Nice one. greetz,riny
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 7/16/2007
Excellent capture, Joe! They just don't always do what they're supposed to! Dave.
ayman zakaria
{K:1892} 7/16/2007
very beautiful shot, well done