Leora Long
{K:11135} 8/9/2008
A great story-telling photo, jorge.
A morning walk with the company of man's best friends. They seem very watchful - maybe they are looking toward the ocean over the dunes.
Nice work my friend, Leora
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 3/1/2008
Ontem parece que ja não te encontrei online :) Tem um bom fim de semana e até breve .
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 3/1/2008
Eu já fiz isso tudo, Julia :) E ainda não te vejo por perto :)
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 3/1/2008
Venha me visitar :) Meu endereco e jsallesfeliciano@yahoo.com funciona no msn mas nao usa esse email, se quiser me mandar um email usa jusallesfeli@hotmail.com. Abracos, Julie.
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 3/1/2008
Que inveja, viver em NY há tanto tempo ! Sim, podemos ir para o msn, podes me dar teu endereço?
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 3/1/2008
Sim, moro em NY a 13 anos. E voce onde esta em Portugal? ah vc tem msn? poderiamos bater um papo por la se vc quiser.
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 3/1/2008
Sim, é verdade :) MAs então tu estás nos EUA?
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 3/1/2008
Sim falo, sou nascida no Brasil. Voce ta acordado super tarde :)
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 3/1/2008
Tu falas português? :)
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 3/1/2008
Excelente imagem Jorge. Em preto e branco melhor ainda. Um abraco. Julie.
{K:61359} 2/16/2008
Excellent.. perhaps better in the project friendship since one can feel by the way you compose this shot, that they are alone together and that at the end, this is better to be together.. Excellent shot.. I just would like to see a little bit more of the dog on the foreground. Anyway, compliments for this really beautiful composition Jorge
Olga Giraldo
{K:2926} 2/10/2008
Lograste capturar un muy buen momento, felicitaciones!
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 2/8/2008
Thank you again, caro Gennaro .
soul 21
{K:27572} 2/8/2008
bellissima la composizione il sentiero di legno con la sua prospettiva, eccentua il titolo, così come i due cani che guardano dallo stesso lato. Mi piace molto complimenti 7/7 ciao gennaro
Angelika Vulcano
{K:832} 2/2/2008
I like very much an atmosphere of this picture :) Beautiful sadness...
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 2/1/2008
Another good street picture erland
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 1/31/2008
Hi my modest friend:) Yes,I love this photo,love atmosphere which you've captured,I love story in this picture !!!Great work:) Looking all amazing photos here we must keep going on and be better ,not modest...not shamed with our not perfect pictures...We are here to improve ourself skills and photos...and please, do not be a pessimist , life is good:))))
big hug and go on my friend biljana
ps I am very glad cause I made you smile :))))
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 1/30/2008
I like that you liked this image. I was in vacations, walking near the beach at sunset, and this man and his fellows, sit near him, catching the last rays of sun of the day . I have to be modest, when i watch great photos in front of me, photos i could never take bymyself :) About being negative, i guess this is an idiossincrasy of portuguese people, mixed whit my genetical pessimist :) But you made me smile now, thanks :) Ciao !
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 1/30/2008
This is so great picture !!Very thoughtful...very strong!!! I love it and why are you so modest????and so negative to yourself???You are good,very good :)) big hug biljana
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 1/29/2008
How you saw how i liked yours? Not because i have bw images too, right? Your portraits have the flame of the classical portraits of the fifties, and the exposure is so good. Not like mines :)
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/29/2008
Nice classical bw
I can see why you liked the one of mine
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 1/28/2008
Hello Diego, thank you for you put your eyes over my images :) Regards Jorge
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 1/28/2008
hi jorge, FANTASTIC decisive moment, optimal B/W, regards diego
Rita Iszlai
{K:353} 1/27/2008
waoawww....i really like this shot. Well done, Jorge!
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 1/26/2008
Its not so impressive like that :) Its just regular...ok, low-regular :)
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 1/26/2008
Thank you very much kind Nicole,i like when people like my images . Regards. Jorge
parehan .K
{K:27453} 1/25/2008
Very impressive shot.. Warm regards, parehan
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 1/25/2008
Great candid shot and it's funny to see the backside from the dogs:)Looks great in B&W! Regards,Nicole
Gianes Ma
{K:26069} 12/6/2007
A very beautiful and significative scene.. in the excellent b/w tones. Congratulations. G.
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 12/6/2007
Ei, você retirou a foto... Mas eu repito o que disse: muito boa, parabéns!