Stan Hill
{K:35352} 7/9/2008
Thanks so much Mitra, when I downloaded this from my camera I cracked up. Not a real politically correct image with the kid and guns and bullets and I thought about not wanting your kids to grow up to be cowboys or soldiers. In a moment of weakness and perverted sense of humor I posted it anyway. So glad you saw my intentions and went with it. Be well my dear, Stan
Mitra Nademi-Nassari
{K:28234} 7/8/2008
This is one of the coolest shots I have seen today Stan! :) It made me smile! I like it.
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 7/6/2008
Keith, thanks.This was a pair to draw to. Made my day! Be well, Stan
Keith Growden
{K:29240} 7/6/2008
Great shot Stan. Look very serious indeed. Ive seen truck drivers with holes worn in there shirts from rubbing on the steering wheel lol. Not me though. Young fulla looks real proud and good on him. Cheers Keith:)
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 7/6/2008
Thanks Jim, I thought I might have scared people off with the gun toting lad and the intensity of these two. Thanks for the comment, and hope you had a great 4th. Be well, Stan
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 7/6/2008
Really captures the spirit. I like it.
Martin .
{K:24957} 7/5/2008
Do me a favor and e-mail me, as I'm still not getting any notification on usefilm comments. I have had to reset my computer twice to a earlier date just to get it to work at all.
Not sure what the problem is, but I think somebody gave me a bug? Freaking hackers anyway...
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 7/5/2008
Marty, thanks for seeing my twisted sense of humor.The grandpas stomach was pushed against the steering wheel and the little boy was not looking at anyone in the crowd. No candy from these two. Still glad to live in a place where I can be free to go wherever I want and usually say what will not get me in trouble. Thanks for the encouragement. Be well my friend and keep it under 120. Stan.
Martin .
{K:24957} 7/5/2008
Very serious looking pair for sure. Athough this is not politically correct by todays standard I love it. Heck we all played with guns growing up, yet we don't go out and gun down inoccent folks. What is wrong with this country anyway?
Well seen my great friend,