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Fence Tensioner
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Image Title:  Fence Tensioner
Favorites: 1 
 By: Stan  Hill  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Stan  Hill  Stan  Hill {Karma:35352}
Project #58 Concentricity Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Abstracts
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Lens Canon EF 35-70mm 3.5-4.5 Zoom Macro.@70mm
Uploaded 7/24/2008 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 100
Views 802 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture f/4.5
Critiques 26 Rating
/ 6 Ratings
Location City -  Cherry Creek
State -  MT
Country - UF Old Timers   UF Old Timers
About This is a device to keep tension on a steel fence wire. They are used in many fence applications in Montana. This one separates me from Ted Turner's bison ranch on the south of my property.Be well, Stan
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There are 26 Comments in 1 Pages
Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/5/2008
Hi Stan, thanks a bunch for the big encouragement, and sorry me one thousand times for the long delay of my reply. The last few days were really interesting and exciting, but also quite a chaos! The one photo sesion brought the next, and the next, and the next - you know. So I was only arranging, setting, shooting, selecting images, etc, etc. My left eye has now exactly the shape of the viewfinder of the T90. ;-) But it was also such a great time! I think that if I wasn't doing photography I would never get into some places like for example the (huge) book storage room of the central university library of lucerne. An unimaginably exciting place for me! I really wanted to stay there for a week! ;-)

Well, seeing is easier than shooting since the eye makes its settings and adjustments seemlessly, but the camera doesn't. We all have many ideas and imagination enough for being able to "see" something. The question is then, as you already mentioned, how to translate what we "see" into the right settings, right composition in agreement with the layout and subject of some given book chapter, etc, etc. I am also not a full professional yet, but the first few projects were the perfect mixture of fun and that kind of fatigue that makes one feeling very tired but also glad when going to sleep after hours and hours of work. I guess that there has to be much enthusiasm involved in order to keep it up, or otherwise one wouldn't take all that. And I also guess that many too many also have quite an "idealized" impression about what life feels like when photographing for living too. There is indeed fun and excitement, but there is also so much running with all the gear hanging from from your neck and shoulders, that you come back home at least one foot shorter! ;-)

Thanks heavens there are still very good offers for film development around here. It goes down to 0.19 CHF per photo, which is about 0.18 US cents. And I can also use the dark room of the photo club of Lucerne. Still I consider buying also a digital camera for using it when there are narrow time restrictions. I guess that it'll allow getting also some urgent projects and keep the delivery times short.

I am very sorry to read about the burned images, Stan. What a loss! Some people seem to never leave the age of adolescense, ey? Well, I guess you did the best. Just look ahead and keep it up. Or what else could one do, ey?

Stay well, and all the best! And cheers!



Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/30/2008
Nick, of course you have ability. How could you not and be able to offer suck good critiques. If you can see it you can shoot it. I am not a professional, but I enjoy trying to come up with new ways to see things trough glass and then translate them into a viable image. this digital is all new to me but I can download and process it my self. The cost of devoloping and printing is going through the roof.I like to shoot and then come in and see what I got. My ex wife burnt every film image I had from 1959-1988 before she left me. I have just gotten back into it after missing the fun I use to have with my camera. I bought a Canon Rebel and have not looked back. The more I shoot the better I get. It all is a time in type process. More time, more results. Hope you had a good shoot and do not be so hard on yourself. Practice what you see with your critiques and make your pictures work with what you have seen work for others. Film is great and I am not down on it at all. Digital is just easier to have control over with out another party involved.
Be well, Stan


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 7/29/2008
I would really trust my "ability" if I had any, Stan! ;-)

Anyway, thanks a lot for the encouraging! The session must have worked well from what I can say. It was quite a nice place and subject for photographing. Now I go for the second session of today - about these things made of strong wire for bringing the teeth at the right positions. How do we call them? Brackets??

Oh, and not to forget, I use film until now. I like that much more but the agony remains until the images come from the development.

Thank you very much again!



Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/28/2008
Nick, make a plan of how you want to shoot the session for shutter speed and fstops. Stick to your best instincts and do not be overwhelmed. As long as you trust your ability and commit to your plan it will be easy. Are you shooting film or digital for your session? good luck and be well, Stan


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 7/28/2008
You are very welcome, Stan!

And thanks a lot for your wishes, since I'll need all possible good luck tomorrow for a session for some images in a new book about the history of education. Boy, am I frustrated each and every time when it comes to a session! Aaaaaaaahhh! ;-)




Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/27/2008
Thanks for the detailed and positive comment Nick. I appreciate your astute critique ability and good eye for the details. Hope you have a great day and shoot well, Stan


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 7/27/2008
A good macro with exactly that kind of strict definition of the main subject that is needed, Stan! The lighting on that device is very well balanced! It kept both the "hard" metal look but also the redish tones that add some "traditional" note, as on all things made of copper/brass and the like.

The device exhibits loss of focus at the left and back,and normally this is something "anti-macro", but in this cases it generates a soft transition to the extremely (and correctly!) softened out background. And as the colors are so similar this makes a nice compliment to the device itself. The restricted color palette seems to have generated a "world of brass".

Good find and good shot!



Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 7/26/2008

I could care less about the trees and the meadow, because you got the shot! You made the Main thing the Main thing on this 1... ;)

I have alway taught you the basics and I'm glad you are doing it... hehehe

I have always loved that Ebay special and you know it! As far as being up, I'm always up my great freind... ;)

Stick with the basics and you will "Shine".

All My Love to You and Yours,



Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/26/2008
Bruce, This is Teds fence, range law is he has to keep his in if he can. Bison go where they wish. Not many fences survive their will to travel. If the spirit moves them not much can stop them. Thanks for the positive words and interest.
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/26/2008
Marty, thanks so much. Late afternoon sun and a meadow and trees in the background. Thanks to my Ebay special. Still having some fun trying different things. Not much photoshop on this one. Basics. Glad to see you up today. Hope things are coming around..
Be well my friend, Stan


Bruce Wertz   {K:2553} 7/25/2008
Great macro Stan. Does this keep out the bison or Ted or both. Bruce


Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 7/25/2008

Wonderful Bokeh, DOF, Tac Sharp, texture, Awesome lighting and colors... ;)

Well done my friend and it goes into my favs for sure...



Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/25/2008
Hi Collin, I found this lens on Ebay to use in addition to my kit lens. It weighs about twice as much as the kit lens and has some good glass. Can not afford L lenses at this point of my rookie year so am trying to see what is possible with an old film lens. It ends up at about 52-105mm digital on my Rebel. I have a friend that was surprised at the image quality that this lens afforded. I was completely pleased for the small price I had to pay. Thanks so much for your comments and help.
Be well, Stan


Collin Stebbins   {K:1868} 7/25/2008
I had no idea the old 35-70mm had such great bokeh! Nice shot Stan, I really like the warmth of the light. Great job focusing with such shallow depth of field.


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/25/2008
Thanks Piotr, I appreciate your comments. Glad you liked this simple device.
Be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/25/2008
Thanks so much Yazeed, be well my friend, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/25/2008
Thanks Ania, got some great late light after a storm and when I saw this in the light I tried some shots of it.
Be well my friend, Stan


Piotr Lupinski Piotr Lupinski   {K:45} 7/24/2008
Great idea.Very nice


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 7/24/2008
Really excellent my friend . Regards ...........


Ania Blazejewska Ania Blazejewska   {K:23981} 7/24/2008
great abstract Stan with wonderful tones
be well,


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Hi dear Julie, thanks for the kind words. I had some strong evening light after the big storm and was out surveying damage and clearing my dirt road of debris when I decided to catch this. I had a very well lit background that lent to the cool DOF. My hugs to you as well, be well and keep those wonderful images coming, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Thanks Arif, glad you liked it. Things like this always fascinate me as new inventions and application of mechanics. Keeps the wires nice and tight. Thanks for the positive feedback.
Be well my friend, Stan


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 7/24/2008
You live next door to Ted Turner? pretty cool :)
I saw this device in Kansas once before and thought it was pretty cool, you capture really well dear Stan. Great colors, light and DOF. It all work very well together.


Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy) Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)   {K:27380} 7/24/2008
very good abstract with nice focusing!! good use of dof!this is an original insurment, did not see before,
all the best my friend,


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/24/2008
Thanks Dave, late afternoon sun and a Canon ef lens from 1987. Has great Bokah, and I try to use when possible with the DOF. Just playing around while I walked down my dirt road after cutting a fence apart that had covered the road after the storm. Perfect practice gives me the chance for a few keepers.
Be well, Stan


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 7/24/2008
A good closeup still life, Stan! I like your texture and detail, as well as the way it stands out from the background.




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