D e b
{K:9399} 10/13/2008
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 10/5/2008
Geniales esos blancos y negros... sos un maestro.
John Hatz
{K:156973} 10/4/2008
Dramatic details, superb deepness of the textures, really wild work, love it, the flowers looks like...statues made by marble! EXCELLENT!
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 10/3/2008
amazing details from these flowers..really dramatic ..
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/3/2008
Powerful and very dramatic..wonderful picture..nessa 7++++++++++
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 10/3/2008
Very nice treatment of these sunflowers.I like the low angle and the sunflowers you chose.I've been looking at the Efex pro page for processing to B/W and am quite tempted although it is a little pricey! Have a good weekend ,Tony.
luis pereira
{K:26013} 10/3/2008
WOW!!! Excuse my lack of vocabulary to describe this photograph but it was my first thought.
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 10/3/2008
Prefer b/w doc !
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 10/2/2008
More cute ;-) A masterpiece ! Sleep tide, Srna
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174142} 10/2/2008
Also good in B&W, but in this case I prefer the color version.:)
txules .
{K:62768} 10/2/2008
Gary, hello again almost miss to thank you for using a word in Euskera, Gabon or good evening/night gabon and sleep well txules
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 10/2/2008
it is not a philosophy,when the plants dies its the time of their productive,and usefulness,and the time to produce seeds and continuing the ever meant cycle,not like us,when our death time comes,it is the time to turn to ashes,to end our existence,and being lost slowly in the memories our beloved one,this atmosphere fits the human souls,US.that is we like it,and you asked what about BW? it is a blckcraft of an imaginative white matter, my best regards, Saad.
Mojgan Bahasadri
{K:16243} 10/2/2008
Very interesenting and artistic job!!
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 10/2/2008
haha, perhaps you should do a self and post under the innocence project ;) I didn't know you were a doctor....It makes a whole lot of sense now...:) Julie.
pertti jukkara
{K:1720} 10/2/2008
very dramatic!
txules .
{K:62768} 10/2/2008
haha Julie, I' m very innocence man, even I'm thinking of posting a self to this project :), just kidding, I just want to show the other side, perhaps being doctor and working in an ICU gives me other perspective, who knows :) txules
txules .
{K:62768} 10/2/2008
unfortunately you are wrong my dear friend, many latin words are very similar in english and spanish, whereas they sound very educated in english in spanish can be very ordinary by the way, I do agree, do not use this word with your "patients"-people txules
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 10/2/2008
Perfect for Halloween! Amazing work as usual txules. I really wonder sometimes what is going thru your mind as you create masterpieces such as this one... My best, Julie.
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 10/2/2008
Txules, anyone who uses the word neologism does not have poor English! I doubt 50% of English speakers would know what it means. I sometimes work with the dying (people, not sunflowers), so even though I like the sound I'll try not to use the word when I'm with them (until you've published it in a medical journal, that is) Gabon, Gary
txules .
{K:62768} 10/2/2008
Gary you know my english is very poor, sorry for the neologism but liked how it sounds :) txules
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 10/2/2008
Some more effective PS work. Looks like they're cowering from that angry sky you've created. And you've coined a new word, dietime. I like it. REgards, Gary
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 10/2/2008
I prefer the B&W version. Looks more dramatic. Sascha
Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 10/2/2008
Congratulations! This is the first time I see mean looking sunflowers. Very good idea, and very unusual shot.