. B
{K:1815} 12/11/2008
Very nice! Hoping you recovered from the rally with the three lovely ladies;)
John Hatz
{K:156973} 11/30/2008
Nice tight frame here Paul, and surely a very good reason to be happy and smile on the camera, nice moment. Be well my friend.
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 11/23/2008
Thank you very much dear Nicki, also wishing me a good weekend. This long weekend lasted all about 3 weeks to get back on UF, gros bisous, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 11/23/2008
Paul Kubica got 4 new winter tires. Now I'm prepared winning on all terrains, including photography, and in the most extreme situations, hugs and kisses, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 11/23/2008
Thank you Ania, now I got my new D90 (with the D300 CMOS sensor) I also go for maybe photo-prices to win. See you again on UF, hugs from Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 11/23/2008
Thank you 1301307 60, or who ever you are. Is that a number you got in prison ? Anyway thanks for the compliments, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 11/23/2008
Hi Stan, thanks for the compliments. Next time for the photographic aspect again I hope. Finally I bought a DSLR after a period of 1.5 year shooting with a Panasonic bridge. My experience so far with the new D90 is that whatever from 200 to 3200 ASA: the camera sees more sharply than I see myself in nearly no light situations. cheers, Paul
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 11/22/2008
Hey Paul, You've been gone soooooooooooo long - I thought you dropped off the earth:))
So nice to hear from You and 'YES' I would be the first to join ! hugs & kisses, Michele~
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 11/22/2008
Hi Michele, my 3 lovely friends continue their life in Paris, now try to build mine in Norway. Here my car got 4 special winter tires. It will take some more time to find again a team of 4, expressing both charm and the will to win a rally :-) Are you the first to join ? hugs and kisses, Paul
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 11/15/2008
Hello Paul...how nice to meet you!You have a nice company...three lovely ladies:))You could be lucky my dear friend!It seems to me that you had a lot of fun!!! I wish you a happy weekend! Gros bisous, Nicki
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 10/30/2008
My congratulations Paul Kubica!!! baci ed abbracci teresa
Ania Blazejewska
{K:23981} 10/26/2008
very good! nice poses and smiles! nice to meet You and Your ladies Paul:) congrats on Your prize:) best regards ania
1301307 60
{K:44058} 10/25/2008
Wow! nice company there.. congratulations fro the good result of your rally.. looks like happy moment in this capture.. congrats again.. regards..
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 10/25/2008
Hello Paul, No...you're not the worst. 3:1 You are very good!!! Congrats, Cheers, Stan.
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 10/25/2008
Hahahah!!! How well You look my dearest Paul !!! here with 3 lovely ladies I do not blame you for taking time out - and it sounds like so much fun you are all having BUT it looks like it more than that even You can even write :-))
Thank you for sharing part of your wonderful life with us - It looks like so much fun here !
Hugs and Happiness , Michele~