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Image Title:  Stan
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 By: Stan  Hill  
  Copyright ©2009

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Photographer Stan  Hill  Stan  Hill {Karma:35352}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon 20D
Categories Portrait
Alternative Process
Studio Photography
Film Format CF card
Portfolio Lens Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8L
Uploaded 11/24/2009 Film / Memory Type Sandisk2GB
    ISO / Film Speed 100
Views 531 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 44 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Norris
State -  MT
Country - United States   United States
About This was shot by Marty Wilson last year with one shop light and a Styrofoam sheet for a reflector. I worked on it in Silver Efex to give it the old look to match mine. This was a self with some help! Thanks Marty!!
be well, Stan
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There are 44 Comments in 1 Pages
Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 1/17/2010
Great portrait of you Stan. Dont blame you for not smiling here. Looks like you are keeping a close eye on Marty. Wondering if this was the night you locked him in that old building lol


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 12/29/2009
Thanks Malules, Martty did a great job showing me some lighting that evening.
Hugs, be well and happy new year!!


Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 12/29/2009
Great portrait!!
Nice to see you, dear friend :))


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 12/24/2009
Thanks so much Judson. I appreciate the Christmas greetings and hope your family has a great one too!! Looking for a year full of possibilities!!
Be well, Stan


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 12/24/2009
Nice to see you in close dear friend.
A Merry Christmas for you and yours and a 2010 full of peace and health.
God bless you, Judson and family.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 12/10/2009
I also didn't really adjust it, Stan! I only opened the image in PS under my color profile and... voila! It changed without any kind of my own intervention. And this is what I think should be clarified a bit. The influence of the color profile. It seems to affect not only PS and other imaging software but also the way images are shown in browsers... I must get some more info, since I really don't know if you all see the images the way I see them on my monitor. :-/

As about Marty, one can really see that he considers such things very critically. Which is of course the best way to go.




Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 12/9/2009
Thanks Nick, the saturation adjustment of yours works well. I had not adjusted any more than the black point with the levels. Glad to share our low tech lighting and setup. Marty is a very bright photographer with a very critical eye for details and post work. I have learned some very important basics from him that just work.
be well, stan


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 12/8/2009
Thanks a lot for the info, Stan! I can imagine the whole excitement! And "promitiove" studios have a big advantage. One has to improvise, to think and to try things out. Si it is a good teacher.

Thanks also for the attachment. It is also very good in color, though the colors appear oversaturated on my browser. When I open it with PS, however, the colors turn much better and natural. So I re-saved it and attach it for you. Do you see any difference from your attachment?




Opened Stan's attachment and saved it with PS back again.

Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 12/5/2009
Thanks Nick, Marty and I were doing a lighting 101 seminar at midnight last year when he visited me from Texas. We took turns trying some new angles and light adjustments. It was a blast and we did pretty well for our primitive studio. Here is the color version to compare my edit into the b/w!!


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 12/4/2009
Such a good, straight and powerful portrait, Stan! Marty excelled in this discipline! Not only because the details and the light balance are so strong but still natural, no. It is more than that. It is to use light for making it possible for the spectator to "extract" a 3D-shape out of a physically 2D-image. The power of that lighting is exquisite! Marty should give us some good lessons in real portrait photography, I guess. So... where is he? Come on man, help us!

As about your work in Silver Efex, it reaally seems to have only enhanced what must have been powerfull right out of the shot. The hard contours and the very silent expression are perfect. BTW, Stan, you have a strong face, do you know that? I don't mean simply "photogenic" but a face that implies that the his owner has felt the passage of many hard times.

Could that cooperation of Marty and Stan be continued, form time to time at least? I think we could all learn some good things from it. Anyway, one that *must* be awarded!

Hat off to you both!



Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/27/2009
Your welcome Andre, just fun to get your perspective and thoughts as well. I am a self taught and always open for new ways to see the light so too speak.
Be well, Stan


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 11/27/2009
Thanks for the explanation Stan.
Standing that far away from the back ground with the lighting in between does a great job of eliminating unwanted shadows and keeps the subject formost in the viewers mind.


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/26/2009
Shirley, glad you liked my sense of humor, one of my better traits. The tastles are a little much, but what the hell. I had fun doing these portraits.
Be well, Stan


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174136} 11/26/2009
Okay...thanks for the explanation. I like your sense of humor.;):)


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/26/2009
Thanks Andre, I was standing about 5 foot from the wall. We had a halogen light clamped onto a stand about 4 foot off the floor. It was lighting the background and me. I think the DOF probably gave the background that brightness. This was a one level light and we adjusted it by moving it around. You should see the outtakes!! A 300Watt Halogen bulb in the lamp. I appreciate the nice comment.. I was just putting my Soul into Cyberspace!! Be well, Stan


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 11/26/2009
Hi Stan,
I meant to comment on this one the other day.
You guys did a nice job on this portrait. Great detail where it counts the most. I like the lighting effects with the textured background. I can't make up my mind if the overall image would be even better if the light was not so bright coming from behind. I'm sure you tried different levels of light and decided this one worked best.
A really nice, honest portrait.


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/26/2009
Thanks Tuxles, had a fun time learning some good basics. my thanks go to Marty for showing me some options for creativity. I usually smile. Was being my hard ass twin for this one!! LOL!!
be well, stan


txules                                . txules  .   {K:62768} 11/25/2009
very powerful portrait, really good
nice to see you.....txules


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 11/25/2009
Dear Stan .
At the outset Thank you.
First. I get the image of a beautiful and clear and a friend of mine. I respect him. I think a beautiful thing.
Second. The high level is a photographer who has perfected the work in this Portrait.
My respect and appreciation .
Yours Yazeed


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/25/2009
Hi Shirley, this is my business shirt. I was given this by a friend before he passed away from Lou Gerig's disease. It is velvet with the sexy piping. I just thought it would be a good get up for my portrait. You do not like my wild and reckless abandon?? Marty showed me some great ideas for lighting on the cheap.
be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/25/2009
Thanks Kallol, Marty was showing me the portrait 101 lighting with minimum equipment. We had some fun picking on each other. I have always preferred the view finder instead of in front of the lens.
be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/25/2009
Thanks Srna, mostly I just have fun and try to keep learning new ways to post process and to also be better when the camera is in my hand. Thanks for the encouragement and for seeing me as I am.
be well, stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/25/2009
Thanks Mitra, this was my best serious look I had. My friend would have approved of the shirt on me I am sure. Have a great Thanksgiving as well.
be well, stan


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174136} 11/25/2009
Excellent collaboration with Marty on this self-portrait, Stan. What is that you're wearing? :)


Kallol Majumdar Kallol Majumdar   {K:27691} 11/25/2009
Beautiful portrait, Stan...nice work done by Marty...
Best wishes


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 11/25/2009
Your modeling will get great ... I have no doubt in this Stan !!!
Be well :)


Mitra Nademi-Nassari Mitra Nademi-Nassari   {K:28234} 11/25/2009
Hi Stan!
Bless his soul- I am sorry for your loss.
You sure look serious in the photo but I can feel that behind that serious look there is a very kind and wise man!
All my best to you and your family for Thanksgiving.
Kind regards,


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/25/2009
Thanks Dave, those Halogen work lights are hot to work around. I liked out rough but effective studio.
be well and thanks, Stan


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 11/25/2009
Very well done lighting effects here, Stan! You both did a great job!


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/25/2009
Hi Mitra, I am wearing a velvet shirt with some piping. It was a gift from a friend I lost many years ago. I bring it out when I can for special occasions. This was a special occasion for me to stand in front of the camera. I was laughing about my serious expression when I first saw this.
be well and Happy Thanksgiving.
be well, stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/25/2009
Thanks Srna, thanks for the compliments!! I had a lot of fun while we working with some elementary light and reflection. I need to be looking a little more left into the light. My modeling will get better!!
be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/25/2009
Thanks Radovan, I had fun converting to the b/w. Hides my flaws !! LOL!! Have a great week!
be well, stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/25/2009
Thanks Saad, this shirt was a gift from a friend before he died from Lou Gehrig's disease. I were it when I think of him and what he meant in my life. His name was George. Glad you liked my portrait and can put a face to my comments.
be well, Stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/25/2009
Thanks Yazeed, what you see is what you get. I have fun trying to learn, sometimes at my own expense. this was a fun session with my friend.
be well, stan


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/25/2009
Happy Thanksgiving and thankful for friends like you!! Glad you liked the collaboration between a couple of crazy photo boys. It was like a MacGuiver episode as we were using duct tape and clamps to hold our studio together!! I am just a rugged man with some refusal to grow up.
be well and thanks!!


Mitra Nademi-Nassari Mitra Nademi-Nassari   {K:28234} 11/24/2009
What are you wearing Stan? :) I mean in the photo! :)


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 11/24/2009
Hello Stan :)))
I love this cooperation !!!
Be well my handsome "old" man :-)


Radovan Magdalenic Radovan Magdalenic   {K:32881} 11/24/2009
Very nice portrait Stan.Regards


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 11/24/2009
now I have a good portrait of yours,
I liked the tones and the effect,and your shirt,
stay well,


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 11/24/2009
Really excellent my friend . 7/7 .
Regards ...............


Brigitte R. Brigitte R.   {K:25989} 11/24/2009
You're looking "cool" there Stan... a real life "James Dean", lemme tell ya! ;-) Very good portrait with clever lighting reflecting the budget of average photographers in this current economic climate! One to be proud of! Nothing old here... very "now" and masterfully accomplished! Good job to both you and Marty! :-) Happy Thanksgiving, my friend... Brigitte


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/24/2009
You and Marty are a good couple !


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 11/24/2009
This was my solemn look, I usually have a smile on my old face. I had fun working with Marty on this a few others. Have a great day and I will do the same. Glad you liked my old face!!
be well, Stan


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 11/24/2009
Great B&W portrait Stan, full of life. very good to look at before going at work.... :-)If you don’t have a smile, I’ll give you one of mine..;) Compliment to Marty,riny




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