John Charlton
{K:5595} 5/21/2004
Woo hoo!
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 4/26/2004
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 2/8/2004
This shot belongs in a book. Thank you for sharing it.
maciej macak
{K:845} 12/12/2003
Simply gorgeous. I would hang it on my wall!
Tania Falowski
{K:247} 6/25/2003
I really like this one because it reminds me of the Crow. It gives it a kind of dark and mysterious feeling. Well done
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 6/24/2003
(hello cousin) this is a stunning photo - the clouds have real depth and the contrast is flawless - i'm awed
Andrea Parker
{K:187} 6/17/2003
First: Thanks for your comments on my pics. I've been looking through your work and its just woooah.. This one I like particular but they are all great, digital photography art at its finest.
Judy Kessler
{K:6316} 6/13/2003
your work is indeed unique. Very creative. Thank you for your comments on my work. I love the scuptural nature of your work. * of your peices I would love to have created. including this one. The texture applied after the photo process bothers me because it seems trite. Your work is to good to introduce cheap tricks to the process to ruin it. This i would love to see in B&W with no PS. Your work is great without enhancement. Reguards, Rick
I took a look at your web sight and found it most unique, but for me a tad on the dark side, but most creative. Your comments on my work are very helpful and encouraging. I will give them much consideration, for sure.
Thanks, Judy
Lorenzo Lessi
{K:6589} 6/13/2003
Superb mood and composition for this almost monochromatic picture! Great regards!!
Massimiliano R.
{K:2516} 6/13/2003
Very very nice capture ... fantastic ... congrats
jean E marre
{K:1577} 6/13/2003
ps-work or not (help me out here ;-), it's a fantastic image. nice colortone, good compo, very mysterious. the pigeon perfectly captured in front of the white cloud. well done!
Anyki .
{K:1381} 6/13/2003
mysterious shot:) very unusual Regards,ANN!