I've been looking for new, or at least unusual, ways to photograph the Empire State Building. In a previous post of a reflection of the ESB, Dave Martinidez mention how he liked way the antenna array tower took on a forked, almost sci-fi appearance thanks to the reflective windows in a nearby glass- and-steel office building. I remember being fascinated by the same thing while photographing. Last night I went back to the original file to see if I'd done a tight frame on the ESB tower. I had. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.
So beautiful!! And yes, very original and unusual way to photograph it! I love it! Thanks for your sweet comment on my portfolio! I'll have to say the same to you, it's really a pleasure viewing your works! They are so original, interesting and a fantastic!
Jim; this is excellent, and my kind of photo-- and the fact that it's a reflection of the tip of the Empire State building is especially cool. I love the abstraction of this photo, the colors, composition, and originality. Nice work! BTW, some time ago I added your "Black Ship" photo to my favorites, and I'll add this one too. I too admire Dave Matinidez' work too-- his hard, edgey, NYC photos are excellent. I think we may have some other "friends" in common, eg Patricia Eifel, Richard Blount, and Peta. I admire your photos and experience w/ PS7, and would like to add you too my list of Friends, and hope you will add me to yours. I'm just getting back into photography after about 10 years off, and digital is new and exciting to me, but I'm loving it-- presently mostly scanning my old slide collection, but also try to do some new stuff now and then. I got started w/ Paint Shop Pro (PSP), but now sort of wish I'd gotten into PS7 'cuz it seems to be the defacto standard. Any thoughts on this? Cheers. Craig