Aloha Rhonda... I visited here as I saw your request in the Forum for more people to help you out with critiques of your images. As this was your most recent, I figured I would give it a whirl, and make a couple of suggestions for basic adjustments that may improve your final image. This is basically a fine macro of this creature, but it appears rather flat in tones and lighting, and just a bit soft in the details. I suspect that this may have come pretty much directly from the camera, and as such, it just needs some tweaking in an editing program like Photoshop, Elements, PSP, or a similar program to bring out what is here to better advantage. I took it into Photoshop and made some simple levels adjustments so that the "flat light veil" would be lifted. It may be a bit much for your liking, but it shows what some simple tonal adjustments can do. I also bumped up the saturation a bit, and then sharpened it some -maybe a little too much - but I just wanted you to see what a difference a little post processing of your original can do... Hope it gives you some ideas and maybe a little push to use some post-processing so that your fine images get the representation they deserve... Here is my quickly tweaked version... Mahalo, GP.