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Misty Trees
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Image Title:  Misty Trees
Favorites: 0 
 By: Roger Williams  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer Roger Williams  Roger Williams {Karma:86139}
Project #36 Magic Light Camera Model Cosina Voigtlander T101
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Black & White
Lens Jupiter 85mm/F2
Uploaded 10/3/2003 Film / Memory Type Fuji Superia 800
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 542 Shutter 1/60th
Favorites Aperture F/4
Critiques 11 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City - 
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About In the winter, the sun has only just risen as I pass this point in walking the dog. I love the ground mist and to me, the light has something magic about it.
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There are 11 Comments in 1 Pages
Gerhard F   {K:2820} 11/9/2003
Hi Roger - I just had a look at Your panorama-photos and must commit that this is really an interesting field - my favorit is the signmakers home. Your "misty trees" are excellent. Regards Gerhard


Marie Craig Marie Craig   {K:535} 10/4/2003
Roger, this a beautiful shot. The mist makes the whole mood very peaceful and calm. Thank you for you comments on my piano shot. I am just a beginner so i appreciate any kind of feedback.


John E Robertson John E Robertson   {K:1752} 10/4/2003
Really nice moody shot!


Amancio Couto   {K:15720} 10/4/2003
Excellent shot! Great moment!...congrats Roger!


Marcio Santos   {K:1451} 10/4/2003
Great photo!


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 10/4/2003
For my taste this one worth something better. In B&W photos the contrast must be hight so the different objects have good difference from others. Here the contrast is perfect. Also I like a lot how the fog looks at the background. So soft and nice. At the foreground, especialy at the bottom and at the first trees the outlines of the grass - objects looks pretty sharp and that is the proof of the good quality. I also believe that this photo has great emotional appeal mostly because of the fog. Ok, not THE original however this is not something bad. Surely a very good photo.


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 10/3/2003
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. All praise most gratefully received! Critical comments are particularly welcome... I don't normally like to clone things out of my photos, it's all part of liking film and classical cameras, I think... But I will certainly see what cloning that stone out of the RH corner will do for this picture. Keith, your comment is much appreciated. I lived and worked three years in Co. Durham, so I know Yorkshire and the people fairly well! I know we're not supposed to rake through our past efforts for entries to the projects, but I did in this case. This was taken shortly after I restarted my photo hobby after a lapse of many years, and I agree that it lacks a visual point of focus. I'm more conscious of that need these days, a year later. There's another I took about then that DOES have one and I'll upload it over the weekend with one or two others. Perhaps in colour this time...


Keith Naylor   {K:13064} 10/3/2003
Hi Roger, many thanks for the extensive reviews of my work, much appreciated, and please continue to be as critical as possible. Its hard to be too blunt to a Yorkshireman ;-)

I do like the light here and I understand the atmosphere is what you are trying to capture. You have done a great job of that, but to me the composition is lacking something, a focal point, a line to follow, somewhere for the eye to rest. Perhaps you could persuade your dog to go out into the field and pose.

There are times when the rules of composition can be broken, but they are few and far betwen in landscape photography. There needs to be some compensatory reason to allow this.

Having just re-read what I've written it does sound a little harsh, but they were my first impressions. I hope you don't mind my honesty and bluntness.



Kirk Teetzel   {K:427} 10/3/2003
Beautiful photo. I like the heavy contrast. Their is that little something in the lower right corner that keeps drawing my eye to it, but other than that I really like it.

Good job keeping those classic cameras alive!!!


oeyvind toft   {K:307} 10/3/2003
Fine image. I miss some more tonal range thou. And I would remove the thing in the lower right corner of the pic (in particular, if you place the image on a darker background it is very obvious and in my mind disturbs the composition a lot)


Dubravko Grakalic   {K:25235} 10/3/2003
good mood




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