These are for cross-eyed stereo viewing. Allow your eyes to slightly cross until the L & R images coincide--and you'll be astonished to see the scene in full three dimenions. The shots only really work this way. Do try it! They're not worth looking at otherwise. I'm doubling them up to make the best use of the space that Usefilm allows for a "single" image.
Hi Roger; cool idea! As a Forest Soil Scientist, I used stereo photo pairs for over 30 years as part of my everyday work, but I absolutely had to use a stereoscope to see in stereo as I have an old injury in one eye. I didn't rate this, but I very much like the creativity and it'll be a neat treat for those who can see in stereo w/o a scope. PS- glad you liked my most recent sunset-- it was kind of a "grab shot" but I like it too. Thanks and Cheers. Craig