michelle k.
{K:16270} 5/21/2004
matt this is sweet!
kathleen fonseca
{K:11992} 4/22/2004
ohhh..ok...i am just starting to shoot film so can't comment on the film or the camera you're using but i like that you're shooting with an oldie. In any case, the photo is sweet and you captured a precious moment with a beautiful child. It touched my heart and that's a good thing!
Matz Chase
{K:275} 4/21/2004
Thanks for your comment! I know that the pic isn't that clear due to the scanning process, but also, I use an old K1000 which dates back to seventies. I had it cleaned, but still the pictures look, well, retro. With color film, some pictures sometimes do a random yellow overtone which I can't understand why. It made its time I guess. Thankx
Matz Chase
{K:275} 4/21/2004
Thanks for your comment! I know that the pic isn't that clear due to the scanning process, but also, I use an old K1000 which dates back to seventies. I had it cleaned, but still the pictures look, well, retro. With color film, some pictures sometimes do a random yellow overtone which I can't understand why. It made its time I guess. Thankx
kathleen fonseca
{K:11992} 4/21/2004
This is such a nice portrait of an endearing child. The impression is totally natural and it's one of those images that makes you glad you clicked on the thumbnail. i really love the colonial man with the musket that's printed on his shirt. It somehow works so well with the antique rocker and his beautiful blonde tow-headed charm. Your scan is not the best however and the image would benefit from some improved resolution which would eliminate the JPG artifacts and probably provide a deeper range of tones, especially in his face. i have never scanned so i can't be more helpful but it seems pretty obvious to me that your original was superior to this scanned version.
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 4/19/2004
This looks like a very old photograph. It's a bit hot on one side, and a bit dark on the other, but overall I really like the quiet mood.