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downwards IV
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Image Title:  downwards IV
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 By: Verena Rentrop  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Verena Rentrop  Verena Rentrop {Karma:15233}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon EOS 10D
Categories Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio Colour
Lens 90 mm Macro
Uploaded 8/11/2004 Film / Memory Type ISO 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 579 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 18 Rating
/ 8 Ratings
Location City - 
State -  TUSCANY
Country - Italy   Italy
About want to show you in four parts the way of a small shell downwards a body...

we started on the omoplate, going further to the thorax onset, reached the belly button, finally we arrived at the thigh...

now it is time to say good-bye to the little shell

I wanted to say many thanks to my model Vivien, she is a good friend and she was patient enough for this serie, thanks so much!

and thanks also to all the friendly attention from my friends here, I know this fourth part is different than the first three in the serie and perhaps not the end which you expected, but it is my personal favorite.

So I'm highly interested in your comments.

downwards I:
downward II:
downwards III:
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There are 18 Comments in 1 Pages
Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 8/23/2004
I like your idea very much. The small shell and the warm light creates a very intimate and sensual feeling to the series, as does of course the concept of traveling along with the soft shell :-)


gio4love . gio4love .   {K:14469} 8/17/2004
Hi Verena!
In fact this final shot is different, from my point of view it openly shows the fiction in this series. The metaphor of the body as a landscape here is revealed by the white towel that shows it "is" a beautiful human body and leaves less to imagination. Anyway the series is excellent and especially the idea behind it. I appreciated it a lot. See you


In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 8/12/2004
Where does one start... over the days' past I have flipped back and forth...

Mr de Wolf has been quite expletive or rather generous... many ways correct...

This last one is somewhat... not spoiled but the elastic stitching etc really does distract...

The whole concept of the serie has everthing about a still life... with not even the ambient breath of the photographer touching the ever so delicate hairs...

If this was Italy... can not wait for Finland in September

A pleasure... four times over!

There is superb capability, and lots of



Pedro Henrique Matsuo   {K:177} 8/12/2004
I'm out of breath!


Verena Rentrop Verena Rentrop   {K:15233} 8/12/2004

Dear Hugo,

thanks so much for all the time you spend thinking and reflecting about this serie and all my other work, it is so excellent result reading your opinion about my work.

You hopefully know how important your feedback is to me, how about some beers together in Düsseldorf in October?

I agree in some parts with your criticism about this last one, e.g. the dust, break in tension and sensuality, but emotionally this was the best (and only available ;)) end.

It was not planned like a great serie, only some experiment with skin, sun and shell. But next time in the same situation I will do more, perhaps Vivien is willing to act again as a model.

Lets stay close!

Your good friend


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 8/12/2004
Hi Verena, I'm not so sure about this one, it has two things, that I feel a bit ambiguous about.
First, and probably most important is the heavy shadow line, which places one of the two main elements of this series in a less prominent / pronounced position (yeah, I'm talking about the shell)

Secondly, I think the pants and background are are a bit out of balance, not only within this individual shot, but also within the series. Furthermore, the dust specs on the stretch fabric, as well as the creases in it do not quite fit, IMO. On the other hand, I can see why it's your personal favourite, as it offers more to the eye. I cannot look at this shot without the reference to the three previous ones...

About the series as a whole (now it's finished,I feel I need to comment on that too) I think I'd just keep it to DOF, skin and shell, but I'd kept it out of the "nude female section" too. This one stands out in comparison with the previous ones. Not only because of the less intriguing "skin curves", but also because the new, foreign object (the pants) I think the second one (Thorax) is my personal favourite, as it's the biggest tease of them all.

I find the idea simply outstanding. Very creative work, with simple means. (not referring, of cource, to Vivien...) I also think you did a very good job with each individual shot. As a series, I think the mounting tension is a bit nullified by the last one, which I think should've been the "Pièce de Résistance", but is not quite up to the shot, mainly because of the break in the tension and sensuality.




Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 8/11/2004
Hi verena,

schon beim thumbnail dachte: uih, das ist jetzt aber "harter stoff" ;-) anregung in der richtung hast du ja genug bekommen.
ich persönlich mag den schatten sehr. er teilt nicht nur das bild, sondern sorgt auch noch mal für einen schönen hintergrundkontrast für die muschel. die unschärfe finde ich auch sehr passend.

insgesamt ein schöner abschluss der serie. klasse idee.


Ivan Møllebjerg   {K:6079} 8/11/2004
Hi Verena - excellent series you have made!!!, simple and still very detailed.


Marcia . Marcia .   {K:16108} 8/11/2004
Great series, so beautiful model and photos.
PS: I?m glad that you liked the flower...:)


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 8/11/2004
Verena, Beautiful detail
Great work
You hav talent


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 8/11/2004
krönender abschluss der serie wie ich finde, obwohl das mit dem seidentuch wirklich eine gute idee wäre. nun ja, anregung genug für weitere ähnlich gelungene bilder und serien. gut finde ich hier die position der muschel im schatten, gibt der ganzen serie doch eine bemerkenswerte abschluss-note....

vg, uwe


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 8/11/2004
I'm relieved, it's nicer in the sun and it's almost there.
Gorgeous day.
Great tan, Vivien.


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 8/11/2004
love it!


Verena Rentrop Verena Rentrop   {K:15233} 8/11/2004
Hallo Andreas,

interessanter Einwurf, daran habe ich nicht gedacht, wahrscheinlich hatten wir sogar ein fließendes Tuch dabei, leider habe ich in dem Moment am Strand weder Dich bzw. Deine Idee dabei gehabt ;)

Liebe Grüße


Andreas Marx   {K:1443} 8/11/2004
Hi Verena,

ein Ende, das eventuell viel anders erwartet haben. Ich habe Deine kleine Serie verfolgt und finde sie ausgesprochen interessant und gut fotografiert.

Hier in diesem Bild jedoch stört mich der Stoff. Nicht, weil ich nackte Haut sehen will, sondern die Art wie dieser Stoff relativ hart den weichen (organischen) Verlauf des Körpers (letztlich auch der Muschel) zerstört. Das gleiche Bild - mit einem fliessenden Seidentuch o.ä. - genial.

So bleibt 'nur' ein hervorragend :-)



WALT MESK   {K:10691} 8/11/2004
i live of one hour of siena,at follonica on the sea.look the map.


Verena Rentrop Verena Rentrop   {K:15233} 8/11/2004
Hi Walt,

I was there in July, but I will be back again later this year, close to Siena, over a weekend. Lets try to meet then. How does that sound to you?



WALT MESK   {K:10691} 8/11/2004
verena...when did you stay in tuscany?
i live there!
a good composition shot.




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