It's strange to see chickens behind the glass. : ) They are truly dangerous you know. .. on a more serious note. I like how clear a photo you achieved through the glass.. combined w/ your shadow. Good job. Tara
Las dos gallinas se ven muy bien, pero tu debiste peinarte antes de tomar ti autorretrato con ellas, hahah!!! Que Dios te bendiga querida amiga, te quiero muchisimo
This is a really cool effect, Alison - the way your reflection and the image of the hens weave in and out of one another makes it look like a blended double-exposure! I love all the detail visible in the darker part of your shadow - very creative!
A great little poem to go with this. This is really nice with those rich colors and your dark reflection. It's like an oil painting with heavy brushstrokes. I like this very much.