no doubtr to take a photo of someone elses photo but oh well I thought it was funny. The message on this birthday card is that with increasing age one is more likely to make stuff up. Having had a few run ins with my twelve year old and his missing reports I am not entirely sure of the truth of this. Time, no doubt, will tell
Too dang funny, and I think Gramps here Is trying to impress the Mrs. That I believe starts at puberty, and ends, well, not sure, we'll probably be hit on in Heaven too! lol Dottie
Ahhh but - when we get older, we either sound more convincing, or people don't tell you are just a silly old fool making things up, but we hvae to be 'on the case' of the youngsters, can't get them thinking they can get away with it. LOL Margaret [Did I convince you - or sound like a silly old fool !!! second thoughts don't answer that]