City - Mogusaen State - TOKYO, HINO CITY Country - Japan
This bridge often appears in my photos. I include this one to show where the "homeless" man in the previous photo lives, and to prove that we DO occasionally get water flowing under it. It's actually more a flood plain than a river. But you should see it when we have a Typhoon--full of churning water bank to bank. Awesome! Not good for the homeless man, I'm afraid. I used noise reduction on the sky, only having 400 ISO film in the camera and noticing some ugly grain there. Oh yes, I forgot to say that the construction work strengthening the banks against the next flood is now over, and the bridge is back to its normal uncluttered self.
Thanks, Lea. I found it in my old (V.6) version of PS. I see what you mean about it blurring details, though. Nice for skies if I can select all of the sky and ONLY the sky... I must get down to studying PS.
Roger, in my version of PS (I use Elements) the dust and scratch is under filters>noise. It will create too much blur if used on the entire image, but on large solid colored areas, it works great!
Lea, thanks for the suggestion. There was actually quite a bit of dust on the film that my scan picked up, too. Is this filter a standard part of PhotoShop? I haven't come across it yet, having recently moved from PaintShop Pro, which I keep hankering after (the tool you know always seems better...).
A well composed image. A suggestion....try using the dust and scratch filter to reduce noise instead of the noise works much better on large solid color areas.