Photographer: Jim Goldstein (Karma=21230)
San Francisco, CA
About: I have been frequenting various photo critique sites for sometime. This one came highly recommended from a friend. I created an account quite sometime ago, but am just now getting involved.
I am a member of a local photography club and often judge photography competitions. I enjoy critiquing images nearly as much as taking photographs. In addition I really enjoy hiking and taking photos. Living in the San Francisco bay area there are no shortage of beautiful sights. Now only to find the time to capture them all. I have few goals as it pertains to my photography although by most standards they're a little grandiose.
Goal #1 visit every US National Park So far I've visited quite a few, but don't have the exact count.
Goal #2 help fellow photographers achieve their goals. My first step in this direction was to launch http://www.artbeacon.com. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it develops into my vision.
In the meantime I'm out to continue sharpening my skills as a photographer and share my knowledge with others.
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