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Photographer: david henderson  This user is a imageopolis Donor (Karma=16659)
Guyra, NSW Australia 

About: Fine art photography, generally, refers to photographs that are created in accordance with the creative vision of the photographer as artist.
Making some sense of images, in terms of a theme or a personal style and explaining, to myself why I went there, has become a preoccupation in recent years. I am sometimes not sure that I know why I am doing any of this.
Stumbling on, I have tried to minimise the amount of ‘information’ included in my shots, attempting to keep the precept simple and ask the image to tell a story.
This has become very important and almost simultaneously, abstract has started to take over from it’s antonym and become the ‘studio’ for delivering a message centred on the now and being, rather than having.
I have borrowed heavily from the comprehensive Japanese aesthetic, that if an object or expression, or an image, can bring about, within me, a sense of serene melancholy and a spiritual longing, then that image could be said to be ‘wabi-sabi’.
Wabi-sabi, which does not translate easily, it is said by some, nurtures all that is authentic by acknowledging three simple realities: nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect.
Wabi originally referred to the loneliness of living in nature, remote from society; sabi meant “chill”, “lean” or “withered”
Within the preceding paragraphs lies hidden, my objective. What is my objective as a photographer? I don’t know, it is just a feeling to be explored some more.

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Page #        
There are 5 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - one of my nails

one of my nails
david henderson Donor
Comments 6
Views 785
Rating 6.83 / 3 
Nikon D90

Picture Title - granny's hat

granny's hat
david henderson Donor
Comments 6
Views 687
Rating Pending / 2 
Nikon D90

Picture Title - lived and loved

lived and loved
david henderson Donor
Comments 3
Views 528
Rating Pending / 2 
Nikon  D70

Picture Title - dark cutters

dark cutters
david henderson Donor
Comments 2
Views 591
Rating Pending / 1 
Nikon  D70

Picture Title - frogm'n

david henderson Donor
Comments 4
Views 641
Rating Pending / 1 
Nikon  D70



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