Photographer: Ian Miller (Karma=9190)
Brentford/Ealing, London UK
About: Hi there,
Firstly thanks for taking time out to visit my notes. I've always loved taking photos, just never had any training at it. I hope one day, we will be able to take pictures just by winking, then there'll be alot less precious moments missed. I went Digital a few years ago with a compact DX6440. Loved it so much I kept it for parties etc, and stepped upto the Canon EOS20D. Which I love, and am still trying master, could take some time. But time WELL spent. ;-)
Portfolio: Brighton
Portfolio Description: Shots taken from my many trips over the years to Brighton. It's quite a mixture as you will see, but hopefully captures the essence of the place and the people.
There are 40 images in 2 Pages
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