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Critique By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)  
2/12/2025 4:34:10 AM

a very nice photo with well-done framing,

seeing stuff like this makes me wish more that this website allowed higher resolution images. sadly the photo suffers from all the compression on this site. if you happen to have it uploaded somewhere else in higher res, I'd love to see it there and take in more of the details.
        Photo By: Steve Tift  (K:295)

Critique By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)  
2/12/2025 3:37:07 AM

a very lovely image, although I would have liked to see a little bit more of the stem in focus together with the flowers themselves. aside from that frankly rather subjective gripe, I really like what you did here.

keep it up!
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174145) Donor

Critique By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)  
2/12/2025 3:32:02 AM

OH i REALLY like this one. the way you implied movement reminds me more of an effect I've seen used in film or manga, the highlights, and the shadows, are all very well done! and it's all in sharp focus. did you need to use a tripod for this one? cause it looks like it was a bit cloudy. very creative though, that's for sure.

nicely done!
        Photo By: Hassan **  (K:119)

Critique By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)  
2/12/2025 3:21:16 AM

that photo looks pretty good. it looks like some kind of smog or myst present was present or were you taking that photo against the light? it looks like it's clipping in the highlights of the sky. it does have a certain mood though :)
        Photo By: Rohan Sachdeva  (K:8241) Donor

Critique By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)  
2/11/2025 7:59:03 PM

thank you :)
        Photo By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)

Critique By: Rohan Sachdeva  (K:8241) Donor  
2/11/2025 7:45:22 PM

Very nicely done.
        Photo By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)

Critique By: Rohan Sachdeva  (K:8241) Donor  
2/10/2025 6:51:26 PM

Cheers. I have three sets of camera formats. One digital cameras. Two darkroom bw cameras. Three instant film cameras, like polaroids or Fuji instax/evo cameras. I used to scan bw film prints also, but now the scanner won’t connect with the computer.

Also I noticed there are four formats of photo prints. 1/- horizontal 2/- verticals 3/- squares 4/- panoramics.

They also have some verticals with circles on them. Just shooting my head of. Have fun, happy shooting and editing.
        Photo By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)

Critique By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)  
2/10/2025 6:42:00 PM

Indeed. I wish i had downsized this a bit more, cause the website actually squashed image slightly and oversharpened it. Despite the fact that i selected the option for it to not add additional sharpening after the fact. Oh well :')
        Photo By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)

Critique By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)  
2/10/2025 6:38:58 PM

Oh that is a lot of really cool gear actually. Im gonna be honest, darkroom development is just a little too complex for me i also don't have the space for that. Although it would be very beneficial if i were to do that and get a flatbed scanner. Right now tho i directly scan my 35mm negatives using a primefilm 7200 (reflecta crystalscan 7200 in germany) it's a manual scanner which takes ages is a bit defective and needs a lot of fiddling about, but when it works. Well the results look pretty good. Although it says it can do 7200dpi, it actually scans at 3600dpi tho to reach that Resolution i need to double the scanning resolution. So basically there is a lot of redundant data that i need to remove by downscaling the image after the fact (which i need to do for this site anyways. The size and resolution limit is archaic and honestly frustrating to deal with) even when downsized to half the scanning resolution the files still take up almost 400MB per image sometimes. Nevertheless, it's fun to do and I'm actually going to start at least developing film at home in the near future to save on costs.
        Photo By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)

Critique By: Rohan Sachdeva  (K:8241) Donor  
2/10/2025 6:38:18 PM

Very sharp.
        Photo By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)

Critique By: Rohan Sachdeva  (K:8241) Donor  
2/10/2025 6:18:13 PM

I used to shoot film, with a Nikon fm10. I also have a blackbird, fly TLR Camera. Also purchased an ilford pinhole camera obscura. So those are my black and white film darkroom cameras. I used to do darkroom work in my bathroom, which had red tiles, so when you would put the red light on to do dark room work it would be completely red. But now they have busted that bathroom and I had a low quality enlarger which is also bust. I could manage need an enlarger. I’ve got developer fixer. Though my darkroom prints are nothing compared to yours, also I have d 76 developer. Earlier on they would give some local developer fixer which I could use. Been a long time since I got into the darkroom, though now I edit on the computer. It’s fun though. Need an enlarger then I could get into the darkroom again. Peace.,
        Photo By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)

Critique By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)  
2/10/2025 12:54:06 PM

ah. as a certain painter would have said "there are no mistakes, only happy little accidents" -Bob Ross (Robert Norman Ross)

the fact that the image is a little soft is not a focus issue, I was legit just not able to get a high enough shutter speed for handheld in that moment and to be honest, had some shaky hands. I also like the result and felt it added to the image but was very much having a hard time deciding whether or not to upload it. I'm glad it worked out in the end!

I did get into film by accident. I bought some vintage lenses which came with a film camera, an old Voigtländer Vito-B, a lovely little thing. that kinda kickstarted it all. I have since upgraded from that to a Minolta XG9, then a Nikon FA, and finally: the Nikon F4, which I got for a very good price.
        Photo By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)

Critique By: Rohan Sachdeva  (K:8241) Donor  
2/9/2025 10:12:52 PM

very beautiful black and white picture. nice leadinng lines and tones. a liitle soft, but it gives a dreamy effect. great work. nice to see you are using film. beautiful enchanting view. lovely. quite good. great work.
        Photo By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)

Critique By: Hassan **  (K:119)  
2/4/2025 2:20:50 PM

Danke für den netten Kommentar,,,nein, das ist nur Dunkelkammertechnik.
Freundliche Grüße
        Photo By: Hassan **  (K:119)

Critique By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)  
2/3/2025 1:32:15 PM

very interesting look to this one. how did you get that focus smear on the side of the image? did you move the camera while taking the shot to get that effect?

while the blur is an interesting feature, it honestly distracted me from the main focal point of the image,
tho it does make me wonder what lens you used.
aside from that, I find the framing to be very nice. there's some good sharpness to the tree and the plants in front of it, and there's a nice contrast between it, and the clouds, though I would almost say that the image is ever so slightly too dark in my eyes, and the horizon being tilted irks me a little.

those minor subjective gripes aside, this is a very lovely photo. it deserves more attention as it shows a particular kind of intentionality that I don't see a lot of anymore these days.

please do keep it up.
        Photo By: Hassan **  (K:119)

Critique By: Leon Havrilla  (K:132)  
2/1/2025 2:30:29 PM

a very nice (what looks to be) double exposure. I have yet to try out making those myself. I know getting something decent that way is pretty difficult so I respect the craft. The focus is done beautifully and blends nicely with the shallow depth of field on the flowers!
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174145) Donor

Critique By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174145) Donor  
1/22/2025 1:23:04 PM

Thank you, Kamran. :)
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174145) Donor

Critique By: Kamran Bakhtiari  (K:24048)  
1/21/2025 7:11:13 AM

Good jab,bravooo
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174145) Donor

Critique By: Hassan **  (K:119)  
1/15/2025 5:49:03 AM

        Photo By: Hassan **  (K:119)

Critique By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174145) Donor  
1/13/2025 11:28:04 AM

Beautiful scene.
        Photo By: Hassan **  (K:119)

Critique By: Rohan Sachdeva  (K:8241) Donor  
12/8/2024 9:08:11 PM

Nice picture. Great colours. Presentation.
        Photo By: Michele Beccia  (K:16550)

Critique By: Marten Jager  (K:487)  
11/29/2024 1:09:27 PM

Thank you Shirley :)
        Photo By: Marten Jager  (K:487)

Critique By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174145) Donor  
11/27/2024 3:17:00 PM

Very beautiful photo, Marten.
        Photo By: Marten Jager  (K:487)

Critique By: Leon Glorius  (K:3)  
11/24/2024 2:38:40 AM

Voor mij op een perfect moment genomen. Mooi resultaat in zwart-wit.
        Photo By: Frank Schotting  (K:-129)

Critique By: Michele Beccia  (K:16550)  
11/11/2024 9:07:51 PM

thank you Rohan
        Photo By: Michele Beccia  (K:16550)

Critique By: Rohan Sachdeva  (K:8241) Donor  
11/11/2024 7:15:46 PM

Nicely done. Great panoramic. Congrats.
        Photo By: Michele Beccia  (K:16550)

Critique By: Wieslaw Krajniak  (K:588)  
10/21/2024 6:58:36 AM

Dobre Astro foto
        Photo By: Steve Tift  (K:295)

Critique By: Wieslaw Krajniak  (K:588)  
10/21/2024 6:57:47 AM

Dobra Astro
        Photo By: Steve Tift  (K:295)

Critique By: Wieslaw Krajniak  (K:588)  
10/21/2024 6:55:19 AM

ok. Dobry street.
        Photo By: ERNIE BUCHANAN  (K:18609)

Critique By: Michele Beccia  (K:16550)  
10/13/2024 5:46:33 AM

Wonderful mood:)
        Photo By: Zeev Scharf  (K:25603) Donor

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