Critique By:
stefano cavallo (K:41)
11/21/2006 12:54:47 PM
Obrigado!!! Thank you for sending me a comment on my photo. I saw your works... wow! You are great, and this makes your comments more apreciated! Stefano
Photo By: stefano cavallo
Critique By:
stefano cavallo (K:41)
4/8/2006 1:51:20 PM
Tahnk you man! I'am trying to learn how to do art with a camera... sometimes it's not so easy to reach art. For this reason the most important thing is to receive suggestions from the others! Thanks a lot for having written a comment and for watching my photoes! See you! Stefano
Photo By: stefano cavallo
Critique By:
stefano cavallo (K:41)
4/6/2006 12:13:31 PM
Woderful. I like its poetry. thank you!
Photo By: Ralf Denguth
Critique By:
stefano cavallo (K:41)
4/6/2006 12:11:21 PM
Bellissima! thank you for this beautif photo. Its beauty makes a better world! Next time will you use an analogic camera?
Photo By: Ralf Denguth
Critique By:
stefano cavallo (K:41)
4/6/2006 12:01:23 PM
Bellissima foto, bellissima dominante! tra trutte le tue foto, questa č quella che preferisco!
Photo By: Marco Maresca
Critique By:
stefano cavallo (K:41)
4/5/2006 1:05:05 PM
I like this picture. All the lights are so smooth!!! In this photo I found 'poetry of normal things', and everything is warm. Also, the teapot here becomes like a caracter of a fantastic story. Thank you for giving it to us.
Photo By: painsama