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Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
3/30/2006 12:16:34 PM

You have it all here.. the exotic beauty living in a truly multicultural city, her lost eyes.. wondering about how to pay her BT telephone bill maybe? And next to her Morrisay.. playing the violin???
Beautiful composition... great progress...
Carry on.. and remember.. Kambiz has more than 55 images in his portfolio!!!!
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Kambiz K  (K:37420) Donor  
3/26/2006 3:46:37 PM

great candid image. I love it. I have a collection more than 55 images in my portfolio!
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
3/25/2006 1:08:55 PM

Pictures of homeless people always tend to attract a lot of attention.. I wish they triggered compassion and action as well.
Great shot.. that dog looks very well fed, and relaxed. I would not be surprised if the man fed him first before feeding himself.
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
3/25/2006 12:25:15 PM

Very nice and balanced.
This image shows that even the London Underground with its many problems, can be a relaxing place.
Well done.
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: emanuele giomarelli  (K:955)  
3/25/2006 11:17:12 AM

great shot!congrats
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Kambiz K  (K:37420) Donor  
3/24/2006 10:06:16 PM

great candid image. I love it. I have a collection more than 55 images in my portfolio!
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)  
3/24/2006 9:40:24 PM

evet...karisiklik konusunda haklisin...85mm ile cekseydim biraz silik cikabilirdi ve kesinlikle daha iyi olurdu...

        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: kaan yakar  (K:394)  
3/24/2006 9:27:50 PM

Guzel bir sokak calismasi. Arkaplandaki insanlar biraz karmasa yaratirken ayni zamanda sujeyide onplana cikariveriyor. ailenin diger ferdide kareyi doldurmus. elinize saglik. selamlar...
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)  
3/24/2006 9:25:52 PM

thank you they really looked like a family...
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Amir Mohammadi  (K:4258)  
3/24/2006 9:21:48 PM

excellent. you have choosen a very good topic. nice and I love it. I like the dog sleeping there. goood luck. Amir
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)  
3/23/2006 7:45:00 PM

        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Diego Bullita  (K:17017)  
3/23/2006 7:42:57 PM

hi Selen,
it appeals to this capture to me of attended in crossing metro between central - circle - district;
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
3/20/2006 5:56:05 AM

Another good title... Grey city.

Excellent image.. the orange of the car is the perfect touch of colour in an otherwise grey and dull winter day in Amsterdam.

It does look like you desaturated the city on purpose but no... no colour play, which makes the image even more effective!
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Riny Koopman  (K:102911) Donor  
3/19/2006 9:11:49 PM

Very nice composition with good contrast and sharpness. I like it!! Regards,Riny
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
3/11/2006 4:21:45 PM

This image has a great mood, very suited to BW.
I wish Edwin would have been a bit sharper/in focus.. nevertheless very nice, very Amsterdam.
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
3/11/2006 4:20:22 PM

Dont know what is best here.. the identical expression and demure of the ladies on the right or the way the tourist on the left looks at them, a mixture of disdain and disbelief.
Great image.
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia  (K:96391)  
3/8/2006 6:45:42 PM

great composition. marvelous documentary.
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ron Wilson  (K:18362)  
3/8/2006 6:26:41 PM

Great capture. Very interesting to see how people react to the "different". I guess it is common in all societies.
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
3/7/2006 5:05:38 AM

That cat couldn't have found a better umbrella...
Great shot, I wish it was bigger.
Try to resize pics to 750 pixels... I know sometimes less is more but not when it comes to wiewing pics on usefilm...
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Adelino Barreto  (K:12661)  
3/4/2006 1:18:26 PM

Intresting photo!
My best regards.
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
3/3/2006 5:15:47 AM

Im with Mervo on this... I sat in front of the image trying to figure out where the heck where those horses coming from... maybe a funfair attraction? and then I realize they are real so the whole image catches a certain dream-like quality....
Overexposed forehead... you could easily mask that with blur tool.
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Mervo   (K:8643)  
3/2/2006 9:34:04 AM

Nice portrait, I like the blur and the horses on the left, makes the two seen like they shouldn't be part of the same scene but at the same time they look good together!
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/28/2006 8:31:09 PM

God only knows why this image has not received any comments yet... It has a very soft, classic feeling about it... composition is great and you managed to get a great smile and poise from your model.
There goes a cabbie with a wonderful attitude.
Congratulations... and before I forget: Great colours!!
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)  
2/28/2006 9:29:55 AM

I's just not easy to frame in Amsterdam !
But I'll keep that in mind for my next trip...
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/28/2006 9:24:27 AM

hey.. I know that guy!!! isn't he a saxo player in Amsterdam? :-)

Great expression... bit annoying that the feet are cut off but hey!!! such is life..
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/24/2006 4:55:33 AM

Kike, you are a lazy mtfkr.... :-)
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: kike Calvo  (K:11291) Donor  
2/23/2006 10:05:09 PM

Hola Selen. Antes de nada, quiero darte la bienvenida a UF, y avisarte del peligro que tiene. Esto engancha...
Estoy de acuerdo con la crítica de Iván, si sigues las normas clásicas de composición para un retrato, le falta un poquito de pecho, o le sobra frente, pero en este caso es tan maravillosa la expresión que has captado, que la composición pasa a un plano secundario. La mirada perdida del anciano y esa leve sonrisa en su rostro te atrapa.
Primer siete que te pongo, y me parece a mi que va a ser una costumbre visto lo visto.
Un saludo

(Ivan échame una mano con la traducción)
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: r u t h  d r io  (K:4339)  
2/22/2006 7:07:43 PM

Wellcome to uf, Selen!!, in this shot i love the look of this man, i can see lots of things i his thinkings regards
        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Ivan Jimenez  (K:9078)  
2/22/2006 5:43:21 PM

This is very nice... but because I am a pain in the ass I am going to criticise it a bit...
The image is nicely composed, emphasis on the gentleman's calm face and eyes, however I would have liked to see a bit more chest, just a little bit. Bit overexposed though... and would like to see a tad bit more sharpness..
But as I said, very moving image, and deep story behind...

        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

Critique By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)  
2/21/2006 11:16:07 PM


I love this picture.

It does show the two faces of a man at the same time...a man that has always had hopes and is waiting for the day he will be together with the daughter he lost 3 years ago...doesn't it ?

        Photo By: Selen Sanli  (K:111)

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