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Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/23/2007 11:52:51 AM

I do love these misty images of this boathouse...all golden and gorgeous.
This one shows nice colour in the paddle boats, very nice and certainly a classic landscape shot.
cheers, B
        Photo By: Larry Fosse  (K:66493)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/23/2007 11:34:05 AM

Simply stunning Ann! Whatever you did with the worked a treat.
Your composition is perfect and the colour beautiful.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: Ann  Van Breemen  (K:13399) Donor

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/22/2007 12:47:49 AM

OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I just this minute heard!!!! Poor Gene.
Missing in action?!!! sending over a bottle of wine from Mtchellton Winery to entice him home.
This is a tradgedy of immense proportions.
        Photo By: Marlyce Chastain  (K:4071) Donor

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/19/2007 8:09:05 AM

Yeah I feel like a tool!
I begged and you delivered, but I missed it!!!
I am ready for my punishment now.....
AND dragging you out of bed when you are near death...unforgivable!!!
My most humble apologies. I am evil!

This is a cool image, love the voyeuristic perspective of you looking at them, looking at everything! What a great view too....WOW
cheers and get back into bed RIGHT NOW!!!!
        Photo By: Sandra Anderson  (K:5837)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/19/2007 5:57:53 AM

Roger that's terrible!!!! LOL
I'm sure these two ladies would be aghast to see you shuffling them off to the light before they are ready. hehehehe
        Photo By: Roger Skinner  (K:81846) Donor

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/19/2007 1:24:19 AM

Very nice Rog. Gawd, that sounds bland doesn't it? Sorry, not meant to.
I would like this in B+W with some levels tweaks. See below.
I like the way they are ambling down the road, looks like it would be quite a hike to get back up.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: Roger Skinner  (K:81846) Donor

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/19/2007 1:05:14 AM

Stilts? I case they are short of ladders?!!! Made from that very new and amazingly fire-proof material called wood!
Love the composition of this and the texture and colour. Mt type of image.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: Jan Hoffman  (K:39467)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/17/2007 11:44:36 PM

Stunning Bernard....a very intense image. She seems to be asking a very subtle question with her expression and pose.
Fabulous eye contact with the camera.
Perfectly composed and brilliant in B+W, the tones are beautiful.
A fave for me.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: bernard branecki  (K:174)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/17/2007 12:26:06 AM

Hiya Dave! Very impressive...Christine eat your heart out!
The coloured flash painting gives a great effect as if there was hot pink neon lighting behind you. Very tricky and devious of you
Also love the perspective and collection of 'junk' in the background, the bike, old refrigerator etc. Perfect!
Love it.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: Dave Arnold  (K:55680)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/17/2007 12:17:38 AM

Wonderful Mary! I love this so much, brings all sorts of thoughts to my head.
The childs pose, upturned eyes and puckered lips, along with the clown makeup and fabulous light, make this a very special portrait.
A fave for me.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: mary indelicato  (K:498)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/17/2007 12:00:23 AM

Eldira, what I really like about this is that even though there is so much motion going on, her face is still very clear, so we can see the gorgeous smile. She looks delighted to be jumping around with the umberella.
Again, great colour and another fabulous idea. Perfect for the project.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: Edlira Voges  (K:6410)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/16/2007 11:57:21 PM

Simply gorgeous Sascha!
His serious expression, and the direct contact of his eyes with the camera make this a very intense portrait.
Perhaps a tad hot on the left side, but the skin tones are great. Love the crop and simple framing too.
Great work.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: sascha jonack  (K:19715)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/16/2007 11:52:58 PM

Great image Eldira!
I love the idea of this and think that you have presented it marvellously. The colours and the child's expression are perfect.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: Edlira Voges  (K:6410)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/16/2007 11:50:30 PM

Definately Errol Flynn James. This would be great in the Big and Small project.
My first look at the thumbnail gave me the impression that these were actually people (silly me)LOL.
I like that you have presented this in B+W, it works well this way.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: James Arendell  (K:604)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/16/2007 11:40:36 PM

Wow Roby, this looks nearly 3D!
That moon is amazing, looks as if you could just reach out and touch it.
The black sillhouette of the mountain over the 'white' snow covered mountain gives a fantastic layered effect....very, very cool!
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/16/2007 11:35:50 PM

Hey there Jan, nice to see you out and about here again!
I am not a fan of this, sorry
I think the model is lovely, but she looks ill...LOL
Her skin tones are all grey and lifeless, she looks dull, perhaps as Paul said, could be a contrast issue.
This kind of makes me think of when you play around with the shadows/highlights function in Photoshop and the mid-tones go awry.
So this process for this portrait (and perhaps other portraits) gets a thumbs down from me.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: Jan Hoffman  (K:39467)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/16/2007 11:27:43 PM

Hey there Michele, I have been so busy lately I feel just awful, no time to comment and reply, but I found a few minutes this morning to jump on UF to see what is about and I saw this!
The reflections of the sunset in the water as it laps onto the sand are gorgeous, and I like the inclusion of the people and birds, nearly sillhouettes.
also, a lovely straight horizon!
Great stuff...............B
        Photo By: Michele Carlsen  (K:146013)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/14/2007 1:44:31 PM

Hey chicky! Just checkin' in to see if you're still breathing? LOL
Post me a picture....anything...the inside of your dishwasher, clothes hanging on the line, the lawnmower....anything at all!!!!:)
        Photo By: Sandra Anderson  (K:5837)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/12/2007 12:28:38 PM

Fantastic composition Annemette! The texture and colours are amazing, should be printed large and hung in the light somewhere. Truly brilliant work and a fave!
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen  (K:55244)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/12/2007 12:26:32 PM

Fabulous colour Larry, like a Tequila Sunrise!!
Excellent sillhouette of the birds.
A fave for me!!
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: Larry Fosse  (K:66493)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/12/2007 4:26:07 AM

That's what Doug says about my head, having been told it's vacant also, but hears things moving occasionally!

That really is sad then, none of the comforts of home, just a roof over your head, were you a bit spooked after when you found out? It woulda' scared the bejeepers out of me!

Ask Diablo if you talk in your sleep too, and if he has to jump in the middle you have to clean his doggy drool off the pillows!
        Photo By: Dave Arnold  (K:55680)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/12/2007 4:13:48 AM

There were three in the bed, and my husband said "Why does Dave always get to sleep in the middle?!!!" LOLOLOL
Do you snore?

The sad café does look pretty sad, very dilapidated, but with a funky edge thanks to all that coloured gel, does it glow in the dark? hehehe

        Photo By: Dave Arnold  (K:55680)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/12/2007 3:39:04 AM

Oh Dave...if only my suggestion for a project with song titles/lyrics went thru!!!!
This is a winner either way for me as I am a HUGE Eagles fan. Grew up listening to all of their songs (thanks to Mum and Dad), now go find me Seven Bridges and a Sad Café, with a little Tequila Sunrise thrown in for good measure and I will have a Peaceful, Easy Feeling!!!!

P.S. Great work as always, your night shots are unrivaled anywhere!
        Photo By: Dave Arnold  (K:55680)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/12/2007 1:44:33 AM

Great tones for this cute pic Larry.
Kids are so determined and most of the time never give up until the object is acheived. He did a great job, as did you!
        Photo By: Larry Fosse  (K:66493)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/12/2007 1:11:44 AM

Oh wow....I nearly thought that this was some very funky photo art created by you, until I saw the grass at the bottom and realised that this is a wall...a 'face-ard', if you will...LOL
How fantastic and what a find. I love it, a fave for me.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: txules  .  (K:62768) Donor

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/11/2007 11:55:21 PM

Leo, I love a good laugh and this would be a wonderful reminder everyday hung on my wall!! I love the perspective and simple message. Fabulous!
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: Leo Régnier  Я£  (K:67696)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/11/2007 11:49:42 PM

Hi Nessa, it is terrible to hear that April, who has much to overcome already is being shunned and taunted by her peers and older children. A twelve year old!! Amazing, I am gob smacked to read that some parents are still bringing their children up with so little tolerance and understanding to those among the community that have disabilities. It is very frustrating as a parent to know this.
I realize that you posted this a few months ago, but here is a link on assistance dogs, particularly hearing dogs, that may be of some use to you.
Hugs for April, and my best wishes that she holds her head high to the few people that will miss out on what she has to offer the world in her silence.

cheers on such a wonderful and emotional portrait, B
        Photo By: vanessa shakesheff  (K:68840) Donor

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/11/2007 11:34:52 PM

Hi Mum, nice to see you back on board!! Now just remember, don't overdo it with that bodgy wrist!!! Doctor Bek's orders! I am happy to see you are posting the store of pics you had saved up now that you have a little time on your hands...hehehehe
I like this dark and moody hibiscus very much.
See you in a couple of weeks.
Bexta xxxxxxxxxx
        Photo By: Leonie Fitzpatrick  (K:40551)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/8/2007 3:06:45 PM

First and most importantly, so sorry to hear that Tyler's stay at home has been cut short, all my strongest wishes that they can build him up again at hospital and that things turn around for him soon. Huge HUG going his way xxxx

Now, the image, love it! Great title and the thumb was so eye catching and intriguing. Very nice work indeed, it has great depth.

Hugs to you also, B xxxx
        Photo By: Robin W  (K:16308)

Critique By: rebecca claassen  (K:12904)  
10/6/2007 2:19:49 PM

Fabulous image txules, there is so much detail in this, from the iron work outside, the window frame, textured wall, books and the title inspiring poster...wonderful!
The expression on the ladie's face asks many questions, and his upturned palm adds to this also.
A favourite for me.
cheers, Beks
        Photo By: txules  .  (K:62768) Donor

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