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Critiques From David Guzman


Critique By: David Guzman  (K:109)  
6/26/2002 3:36:40 AM

Diddo on maggie's remarks....would'nt touch a thing..this is so natural and the crop just adds to the softness of this picture...luv it
        Photo By: Julia G  (K:222)

Critique By: David Guzman  (K:109)  
6/18/2002 3:21:19 AM

I like it , i like it, i like it, but the hairs that are standing on end on the top of her head and sides are grabing my attention and not letting go.If u can clone the surrounding areas and u got yourself a winner pic...nice camera angle...
        Photo By: Arthur John Grossman III  (K:1214)

Critique By: David Guzman  (K:109)  
6/17/2002 8:50:47 PM

Hey karen thanks for responding to my post, i have used this technique b4 and getting better at it, cant wait to see more of your work in the last thing i thought only NIKON could produce such beatiful pictures...LOL just kidding canon is ok
        Photo By: Karen Sonnier  (K:2)

Critique By: David Guzman  (K:109)  
6/14/2002 9:21:51 PM

OK karen i want all the details! was this hand painted or did u convert to b/w in PS and then brought back the colors of the eyes and lips...curiosity is killing me :} Great Shot indeed...i luv the crop and the pose...keep posting...
        Photo By: Karen Sonnier  (K:2)

Critique By: David Guzman  (K:109)  
6/12/2002 5:12:46 PM

Wow this shot is beautiful.. I love the softness and vivid colors at the same time. I kinda noticed that her face is not as soft as the rest of the image. Was the blur effect applied in PS? since there was no mention of any filters used on the lens.
        Photo By: William R Eastman III  (K:2141)

Critique By: David Guzman  (K:109)  
6/12/2002 4:57:17 PM

Nice colors stephan. did u try any slower shutter speed shots i think they work awesome with race cars..If u have PS the motion blur filter works magic, it would emphasize the speed alot more.. Just my 2 cents..
        Photo By: Stephan Curkowskyj  (K:16)

Critique By: David Guzman  (K:109)  
6/10/2002 8:59:27 PM

thanks steve for the comment. im kinda getting my feet wet with photoshop and when i applied the redness to the pic i was like YES this is how i felt 9/11.
        Photo By: David Guzman  (K:109)

Critique By: David Guzman  (K:109)  
6/8/2002 2:39:55 AM

Thank u so much phillip for the explanation. This site is so awesome and im realizing that the photographers here actually read their comments and share their knowledge of this art. Thanks for your time....
        Photo By: Phillip Filtz  (K:1792) Donor

Critique By: David Guzman  (K:109)  
6/6/2002 2:36:39 PM

First off ..Beautiful woman indeed. Second the next time im having a bad day im gonna look thru your portfolio cuz it makes me grab my camera and just start shooting away. Great lighting, was wondering if u can mention the lighting set-up for this shot and what kinda lighting u use mostly. Keep posting.....
        Photo By: Phillip Filtz  (K:1792) Donor

Critique By: David Guzman  (K:109)  
6/6/2002 1:40:22 PM

Awesome colors Halid...Did u use Photoshop to pump up contrast or was it something to do with the film processing?..This pic really grabs attention...
        Photo By: Halid Izzet  (K:373)


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