Critique By:
Hani Eskander (K:93)
1/12/2009 12:33:04 AM
Thanks Saad.
Photo By: Hani Eskander
Critique By:
Hani Eskander (K:93)
1/27/2007 12:37:43 PM
Thank you, Hani
Photo By: Monica Malmberg
Critique By:
Hani Eskander (K:93)
10/17/2006 11:00:22 AM
I'll be damned if that's an inside of a shell? Macro? Great great job. I love your choice of depth of field.
Photo By: FOusHAź
Critique By:
Hani Eskander (K:93)
10/12/2006 1:10:04 PM
Thanks Jose...
Photo By: Hani Eskander
Critique By:
Hani Eskander (K:93)
10/9/2006 10:35:59 AM
Perfect Exposure.
Photo By: Massimo Gandossi
Critique By:
Hani Eskander (K:93)
10/9/2006 10:27:58 AM
Great Depth of Field but too tight a cropping. Let the flower breathe a bit.
Photo By: Aniko Heart
Critique By:
Hani Eskander (K:93)
10/9/2006 10:22:57 AM
GREAT MOMENT captured. However, maybe a bit of depth in terms of having a mid ground and background would have worked better. i.e. could have used that truck behind to establish such. But great lens.
Photo By: chris d
Critique By:
Hani Eskander (K:93)
10/9/2006 3:16:55 AM
thanks partha. well, this was a zoomed shot and so i was far from my subject and thus less speed across the camera detected. i tracked the projected tragectory of the bird i saw flying from far and set up the shot while the bird came.
Photo By: Hani Eskander
Critique By:
Hani Eskander (K:93)
10/9/2006 3:14:22 AM
thanks a lot for your construtive feedback. This was the original shot. No photoshop even.
Photo By: Hani Eskander
Critique By:
Hani Eskander (K:93)
10/9/2006 12:14:32 AM
Photo By: Hani Eskander
Critique By:
Hani Eskander (K:93)
10/8/2006 11:59:50 PM
I love your face
Photo By: Mona Abouissa