Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/27/2008 10:19:08 AM
thanks satya, how are you? :) reagdrs, Jacq.
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Satya Narayan (K:4342)
12/27/2008 8:28:54 AM
Hi my dearest Jac Beautiful capture of the 'rage' It will be nice watching the gushing stream of water Love SATYA
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Satya Narayan (K:4342)
12/25/2008 5:26:20 AM
yes Jac happy to hear that your mailid?
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/25/2008 4:55:20 AM
hi satya things are going well here, nice and quiet now, can't complain. I hope you are having a great christmas too. regards, Jac :)
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Satya Narayan (K:4342)
12/25/2008 4:33:02 AM
cute cat nicely clicked satya
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Satya Narayan (K:4342)
12/25/2008 4:21:46 AM
Hi Jac How is xmas going I am sure you and your folks are having great time Love satya
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/25/2008 3:22:46 AM
Just catching up on a few weeks of sleep I think...merry christmas. :) jac
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Satya Narayan (K:4342)
12/24/2008 6:35:27 PM
My dear Jac Are you there?
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Supriyo R. Sarkar (K:7582)
12/24/2008 11:58:01 AM
excellent expression captured. Very nicely taken. I like the the background too. Best regards, Supriyo
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/24/2008 11:45:15 AM
Hi satya, I'm sorry to hear about the bomb blasts. I'm still catching up on that sleep. Wishing you a happy christmas. warm regards, Jac
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Satya Narayan (K:4342)
12/23/2008 2:40:18 AM
oh dear jac, thanks a lot for such a sweet reply (losing your sleep?). But as i was waiting for your reply, our net connection got cut, thanks to an undersea cable rupture somewhere in the region of Europe, Saudi Arabia. It is still slow, i felt very bad for not being able to give you instant response. sorry for that. Here Christmas celebrations are catching up late and would be at a low key because of that Mumbai bomb blasts that killed many innocent people not long ago.
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/22/2008 7:17:24 PM
this is the long view i started with. and mum just surfaced, right on time. the day begins :)
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/22/2008 7:06:57 PM
Aha, it's funny you should ask that. yesterday by sheer good luck( or good management I'm not sure which), my brother and three friends arrived from a few days rest at byron bay,up in their car from the 8 hour drive from sydney. Unexpected but always welcome. About an hour later my cousin from brisbane (about 4 hours north of here) arrived with her three daughters, and we had the best time. put silly hats on everyone, threw glitter over the floors and the guys amused the kids with stilts and bubble blowing contraptions. the whole 4 guys and a dog sleeping in the large closed in verander that looks onto the hills, and is bitterly cold this morning. My cousin, in her late 20's is tucked up with her three daughters under 12 and the kitten firmly ensconced in the back guest bedroom,my mum is not up yet(though she usually is by sunrise. and the dawn was spectacular and pink and i got some pics of it. not a creature was stirring, except the click click of jac's camera camera. I think i need more caffeine. It's very early and I haven't slept. Dad is good, has the flu and has been feeling generally very crook. he dutifully sent out 19 christmas cards with quite a lot of prompting from his room mate.implied menace, but only of the nicest kind. We can't lose our manners now. As a whole we are good, my sister is in love, glowing and life just keeps on coming at me. Yawn. I really should have got some sleep, but the sky is pink, the kookaburras (birds) are laughing their dawn chorus and the garbage truck is disturbing the tranquility in spectacular fashion. I'm staked out in the centre of the house as kids will be bright enough any minute now and my loungeroom is full of wonderful, intersting and in some cases dangerous things, the main occupants being myself and the ever patient kat age 50,who lives with her stubborn, artistic and tempermental daugher.(that would be me )who writes and obsesses with cameras. I'm also a carer, and mum and I are very close. there are some nice pics of the early christmas celebrations we had, I'll get to them in time. It's been such a joy to have a house full of people, it's really lifted my heart. How are things in your world??? Jac :)Merry Christmas and happy new to year to you too.
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Satya Narayan (K:4342)
12/22/2008 6:39:19 PM
thanks jac i look forward to more and more from you by the by how is your cute sister and brother? how is your dad? Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your dearones satya
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/22/2008 6:36:22 PM
Thanks Steve, i too just had to put that lovely face against the bold colours of the rainbow. It's a bit like the opposite of a blank canvas I guess. thanks for looking! :) reagrds Jac
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/22/2008 6:34:20 PM
the scenery here is so beautiful satya that we attract tourist from all over the world, I couldn't resist this 'native' shot on the wonderful biuling behind her. just below the famous gold coast and a little west of byron bay is my little cornerof the world. I love the majesty of the mountains and rainforests here.
I know the lines are crooked in this one, but I like things that are a litle left of centre.i had just taken two of her smiling, when I said something that really made her laugh. I was laughing myself, even as the camera went click. I'm rather pleased with it. it was fun. thanks for looking as always :) Jac
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Steve Aronoff (K:18393)
12/22/2008 6:14:29 PM
A very fun portrait, Jacqueline. I especially like how the pastels of the wall are mirrored by the pastel blouse of the subject. Steve
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Satya Narayan (K:4342)
12/22/2008 6:13:38 PM
yes she brings smile on my face also. right now i am reading about your place Kyogle seems to be a very good place of tourism ! satya
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/22/2008 6:04:46 PM
Thank you Satya, I'm so pleased you like this one, it's a great look she gave me. I can't look at this pic without smiling right back. I'm loving the learning. warm regards, Jac :)
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Satya Narayan (K:4342)
12/22/2008 6:00:50 PM
yes dear Jac spontaneous expression and beautiful capture i like the way you introduce yourself wish you a very good time here with UF lets share and learn mutual lessons in photography regards satya
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
jorge carvalho (K:6262)
12/19/2008 4:10:15 PM
Great sky...
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/16/2008 9:31:10 AM
Hi Amber, I am not sure what kindof dog he is, I'll my friend and find out. thanks for looking. how are you going? regards Jac
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Amber Gorton (K:336)
12/16/2008 9:29:45 AM
what type of dog is he
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/14/2008 6:52:39 AM
Yes, he belongs to a friend of mine, he just loves being in the water...as you can see. The river was running very fast today. the dog is such a character. thanks for looking! how are you today? regards, Jac.
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Wolf Zorrito (K:78768)
12/14/2008 6:48:33 AM
Big fun to chill un the water !
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Supriyo R. Sarkar (K:7582)
12/12/2008 8:12:13 AM
I am fine. Thank you. Yes, I have posted some, just have look in my portfolio.
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/12/2008 7:44:04 AM
Hi Supriyo, it has been a while hasn't it. But things are improving for me. How are you, are there any things you've been up to lately? thanks for looking, as always :) kindest regards, Jac.
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Jacqueline Baker (K:1257)
12/12/2008 7:41:33 AM
Hi Harry, I am doing somewhat better, the deep seated shock is wearing off. I'm proud that I got myself through all this, even more proud that I helped my brother and sister not only get through school and the trial, but they are each leaving the family home this week, and moving in with friends. So they are flying the nest so to speak, even though they have been doing it solo. Both seem happy healthy and relieved, much like myself. Having good days and bad days, a great councellor to talk to s helping, along with time to adjust to how this will affect us all in near and distant future. On a happy note, I have bought a car for the first time in 5 years today, and get to pick it up next week. very exciting! My last car hit a large solid kangaroo -the kangaroo was ok but the car went to heaven...and i cried. So my morale has lifted significantly! Cool stuff. How are things in your world? kindest regards, Jac
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Supriyo R. Sarkar (K:7582)
12/12/2008 6:52:55 AM
Hi Jacqueline. after a long time. Again simple and beautiful!
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker
Critique By:
Wolf Zorrito (K:78768)
12/12/2008 6:45:01 AM
Jac, I hope it will bring you luck. How are you doing ? Harry
Photo By: Jacqueline Baker