Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/20/2003 6:28:31 AM
Answer: Absoultly nothing!!! Nice statement in you imagery. aj
Photo By: Danica Dubovina
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/19/2003 6:51:56 AM
Beautiful colors and patterns. The composition is nice as well. only suggestion would be for image to be a little sharper, could be the scan. aj
Photo By: Danica Dubovina
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/18/2003 3:01:26 PM
Another outside the box image! Way to use your creative energies. aj
Photo By: Annika Lund
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/18/2003 2:59:12 PM
Very nice find. aj
Photo By: Dario Diament
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/18/2003 2:19:54 PM
This reminds my of a Bernice Abbott type of image. Wonderful contrast and tone! A classic in style. aj
Photo By: David Doler
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/18/2003 2:17:56 PM
I am in total agreement with Andy. This is a wonderful image. Did you post one similar to this a while back? It is nice to see images that are outdside the box. aj
Photo By: Ron Browne
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/13/2003 9:42:29 AM
Excellent color and the detail in incredible. aj
Photo By: Darrin James
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/12/2003 11:30:37 AM
Renee, You can play with the brightness and contrast to help with the overexposure. For sharpening go to Filter, then to Sharpen and play with the sharpening tools. Unmasked is probably the best, you have more control over the amount of sharpening done to the image. If the original is sharp it will clean it up nicely. I am pretty new to PS but so far it has worked well for me. aj
Photo By: Renee Robinson
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/12/2003 11:23:14 AM
Great tone and composition in this one. Just a bit dark on the left side but very nice. aj
Photo By: Bruno Espadana
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/12/2003 11:16:10 AM
This image has the possiblity of being a great image. It is overexposed giving it a washed out feeling. Easy ti fix in PS if you have it. It is a little soft as well and that maybe do to the scan. Your depth of field is good. Keep shooting. aj
Photo By: Renee Robinson
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/12/2003 11:13:49 AM
I agree with Marilia about the lost details in the walls. The colors are beautiful. aj
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/12/2003 5:28:19 AM
Another winner Darrin! The perspective is very refreshing. aj
Photo By: Darrin James
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/11/2003 6:56:26 AM
You make me homesick, very nice work. aj
Photo By: J.T. Lovell
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/10/2003 1:27:29 PM
This is excellent! I am not much for PS work but this is very creative. Well done! aj
Photo By: Suvomoy Mitra
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/10/2003 10:48:27 AM
This is very interesting. I love the lines and symetry of the image. At first I did not like the flooring but it kind of grows on you. Nice. aj
Photo By: R M D
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/7/2003 6:31:03 AM
Another great on Karl! The details in the rust jump right off the screen. The composition is right on. Wonderful job. Seattle is full of wonderful stuff to photograph, you lucky dog. aj
Photo By: karl magnuson
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/7/2003 6:22:41 AM
This is incredible! So sharp and clear and the details amazing. Excellent work. aj
Photo By: Aneta Kosiorek
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/6/2003 10:42:28 AM
I just adore your work! aj
Photo By: Dana James
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/6/2003 10:41:04 AM
This is beautiful, excellent composition and tone. Just a bit hot under the tree for me, but still a georgous image. aj
Photo By: Lilywhite Lilith
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/6/2003 10:38:08 AM
This is what macro is all about. Has a very painterly feeling to it. Only suggestion would be to darken the upper right just a tad. Other than that great work. aj
Photo By: Michael Busselle
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/6/2003 10:36:16 AM
You rock Jay!!!! aj
Photo By: Jay Dixon
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/6/2003 10:34:33 AM
Horizon needs to be straighter. Is this Seattle? aj
Photo By: Jayson Heaton
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/6/2003 6:26:58 AM
The composition is great and the details in the bre=ick are fantastic. Only problem is the light coming through the archway. It is too harsh and distracts from the rest of the image. aj
Photo By: Michele Pesta
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/5/2003 1:01:59 PM
What clarity!! I agree the thumbnail doesn't do it justice. Very nice work. aj
Photo By: Aasmund Loe
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/4/2003 1:33:16 PM
Why would someone rate this a two? The foreground on the left is too dark and for me the clouds in the upper left are a bit distracting. Still a nice image, very sharp, nice color. I give you a seven. Keep shooting. aj
Photo By: Marcin Kopacz
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/3/2003 1:15:28 PM
This has an opitical illusion effect going on. Not sure if it is the border or the way it is cropped. It looks like it gets larger going from left to right. Very sharp image. aj
Photo By: Christoph Schleiss
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/3/2003 5:51:25 AM
Beautiful as usual Darrin. aj
Photo By: Darrin James
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/3/2003 5:47:29 AM
What a wonderful and stunning image. The way all the stair cases line up is fantastic. Excellent work. aj
Photo By: lucio brando
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/3/2003 5:45:38 AM
Another winner Gary. You have captured it all, the lines in the face are extrodinary. aj
Photo By: Gary Auerbach
Critique By:
AJ Haselwood (K:2148)
3/3/2003 5:42:25 AM
Persistence pays off! The new angle offers the viewer so much more. The colors are very dramatic. Good job! aj
Photo By: karl magnuson