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Critiques To 


Critique By: John Reed  (K:6994)  
9/8/2003 4:58:56 PM

Stephanie, is this what you mean by "colors highlighted other than blue?" This is a beautiful shot of a beautiful lake. Do you also have some good ones of Toulomne Meadows? I'm glad you liked my Utah shot, thanks!
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Alvin Mak  (K:1737)  
7/26/2003 6:47:01 PM

Neat image!
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Allen Aisenstein  (K:5652) Donor  
7/26/2003 5:15:19 PM

Very nice, I very much want to vist Yosemite National Park myself.
Regards, Allen
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Bikramadittya G. Roy  (K:7202)  
7/7/2003 11:25:02 PM

Great Discovery! Cute shot. Thanx for that. Regards.
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Cedric Sims  (K:3259)  
7/7/2003 8:46:37 PM

Great macro shot with really good details & perspective.
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Ruth O'Donnell  (K:77)  
7/7/2003 8:09:41 PM

Very nice -- good find to photograph, to begin with; very good DOF, nice colors. I'm not much of an amphibian lover, but this guy's really cute. Ruth
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Robert Gaither  (K:34128) Donor  
7/7/2003 3:37:46 PM

Excellent image that happen to me in Yellowstone one year in the middle of July so I said to the wife and kids at the time I'm out of here and went to Glacier Nat'l Park which I think is the best of the all in the lower 48 states.
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Cedric Sims  (K:3259)  
7/5/2003 12:24:56 PM

Nice1 Good composition, lighting & I like the sky. I was there back in Feb 03 during the snow season.
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Romulo Lubachesky  (K:11836)  
7/4/2003 5:00:42 PM

Great image
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Priyadarshi Sinha  (K:7238)  
6/30/2003 10:26:20 PM

nice composition, lack punch and color.
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Andri Gurnita  (K:6)  
6/30/2003 10:25:19 PM

foto yang menarik .....regards
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Giorgio Cardoni  (K:2191)  
6/30/2003 8:44:09 PM

bello scatto! buoni i colori e la tonalità mi piace il movimento dei rami, una bella inquadratura. saluti giorgio
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Peggy Heise  (K:937)  
6/30/2003 6:52:04 PM

Nice shot! I like the lighting. I think it adds to the cats character.
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Joksa Juoperi  (K:13473)  
6/28/2003 12:38:52 AM

Great shot with nice colours and reflection. Regards, Joksa.
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Gregory McLemore  (K:35129) Donor  
6/28/2003 12:07:49 AM

Lovely reflective scenic capture, very nice work.
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Priyadarshi Sinha  (K:7238)  
6/27/2003 11:38:19 PM

excellent shot!!!
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Sarah Marie Jones  (K:71)  
3/14/2003 8:28:45 PM

That's a lot of beef ! I like composition, the shooting star effect, the grimaces... almost everything. I'd be interested to see it in b&W, because the colors are hard to work with under this type of lighting. My nudes don't tend to be this reflctive ! really a tough subject & I think you did great.
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Qasem Shukran  (K:303)  
2/26/2003 6:16:03 AM

If you cerop your photo may be it will be very nice...Sorry
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Qasem Shukran  (K:303)  
2/26/2003 6:08:29 AM

Nice photo Stephanie and the color is wounderful...
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)  
10/4/2002 8:52:11 PM

You're right ... it looks blurry to me for some reason. I like the crazy colors, though. If nothing else, Disneyland is colorful!

I wonder if the picture would be better if you focused on one thing and didn't try to include so much stuff in the picture?
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: heather martino  (K:3648)  
10/1/2002 9:14:24 PM

Ugh! Gross.
Does it really need all the background? I'd have been tempted to take the top off & make a w-i-d-e panorama of these creatures.
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
10/1/2002 6:37:09 PM

I think the stage is one great big hot spot...

        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)  
9/30/2002 1:44:07 PM

"Experiment!" The best advice ever. Last week I took one shot every half hour all day long of the house across the street, just to see how the lighting changes throughout the day. Everyone always says shoot in the early morning or the early afternoon. I didn't realize how dramatically the light changed until I tried the experiment myself.
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Merv Petralba  (K:228)  
9/30/2002 1:28:49 PM


Arthur means if you place your subject more to the right side from the center, being that her body is angled towards our left. This would make your pic look so much more interesting. Rather than looking like a snap shot. YUP, try waiting for this shot in early morning or early evening to prevent harsh lighting. Experiment and you'll see what were are talking about. Good Luck!
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)  
9/29/2002 4:45:48 PM

Thank you for the thoughts and suggestions.

Why more to the right? Do you mean to center her in the frame or actually to the right of center? And why?
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Arthur John Grossman III  (K:1214)  
9/29/2002 12:25:23 PM

Hey Stephanie,

What do I like?

The pose is good.

What would I change or do differently?

1. To make it compositionally stronger, I would place the model more to the right side of the frame.
2. I would have waited until later in the day or early morning to reduce the harsh lighting and shadows of mid-day sun.
3. I would place her with her back to the sun and use a gold reflector to fill in the shadows and really make her tanned skin glow.
4. Remove the sunglasses...they don't seem to add anything significant to the image.
5. For a really dramatic effect, you could try a long shutter speed to blur the motion of the water...your model would have to stand motionless during the exposure for this to work.

Nice effort! I'd like to see more.

        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)

Critique By: Deborah Seitz  (K:85)  
8/14/2002 6:13:06 AM

This is a great shot! I would like to see more of your work. I like the darken background, it gives him a more menecing feel. You could almost tell he is just waiting for the right moment. Glad to see another Orlando photographer. Come visit us at
        Photo By: Stephanie Tautkus  (K:118)


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