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Critique By: Francesca May  (K:6877)  
2/25/2004 4:24:06 AM

        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Francesca May  (K:6877)  
2/25/2004 4:22:41 AM

Beautiful "chain"!!
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Francesca May  (K:6877)  
2/25/2004 4:20:25 AM

Very beautiful!!!
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: JL E  (K:9693)  
10/1/2003 1:25:45 PM

light and contrast!
and excellent portfolio!
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Surajit Mukerji  (K:3889)  
4/15/2003 11:41:47 AM

Well composed
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)  
10/31/2002 9:42:45 PM

Thanks to you all for the encouraging words. I've learned a lot here just playing around with Project #1. Pretty soon I think I'll get brave go on to (drum roll, please) Project #2. I sure hope it's not the one with the word "metaphysics" in the title.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
10/30/2002 7:05:40 PM

What they said, Russ, and also "Good eye!" I like this a great deal.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Dawna G.   (K:7709)  
10/30/2002 7:03:40 PM

very cool Russ, love the tones of this and the sharpness and dof is excellent - very intriguing lines...
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Beverly Gustafson  (K:1572)  
10/30/2002 6:03:52 PM

Very cool Russ. I really like the way the light falls on the curves. Great tonal range, and interesting composition, IMO. I think BW is very effective also.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Jake Sieg  (K:673)  
10/24/2002 7:09:59 AM

wow, the thumbnail really attracted me....agreeing with the others though...lose the frame.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Samuel Downs  (K:7290)  
10/23/2002 9:33:11 PM

Russ, A simple image that is well done. I like the tones and the lines of the piece. Which I had shot it myself. Sam
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Beverly Gustafson  (K:1572)  
10/23/2002 5:31:33 PM

Very cool abstract. Good tonal range, and I really like the composition.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)  
10/23/2002 12:38:37 PM

Thanks Chelsea. I stopped down as much as the camera would allow, so I don't know if it will give any better DOF than I got or not. I'll make finding out my next project! If that's all the camera will do, I can always smash the wires together a little bit and try it again.

Any macro/DOF hints from other Coolpix users?
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
10/23/2002 12:25:50 PM

I like the shapes and different shades on this one, but would like it a whole lot more if that front wire was in focus.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
10/23/2002 6:05:08 AM

        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
10/22/2002 6:28:37 PM

A picture of Slim Alisa!
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)  
10/22/2002 6:26:41 PM

Thank you both for the comments, especially about the frame. Sue, I like your idea about a set. I'll keep my eye peeled for a giraffe or a big tall rocket ship or something to complement this one
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Sérgio Vieira  (K:3384) Donor  
10/21/2002 10:16:22 AM


I really like the colors, the vibrant blue with the orange have a nice effect. The mountains in the horizon look a little strange thought, but maybe that's just the way they are i guess.
I definitly don't like the frame =).
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
10/21/2002 6:06:03 AM

Hi, Russ.

I'm not particularly attracted by the frame, but I like the photo. I see it with another of a similar type, and the pair decorating narrow walls on either side of door in someone's apartment. You know? The sections of walls where you end up hanging three small pictures vertically because a regular sized piece of art won't fit? Well, maybe I'm the only one to have been challenged that way...

ANYway, I like it, but I see it as part of a set.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)  
10/8/2002 1:08:38 PM

Actually, I had the key rings sitting by the laptop keyboard with the screen tilted down over it to make a little artificial "sky". (See the attachment.) I would like to have had the rings more in the middle of the keyboard so that they would be surrounded on all sides by the overhanging screen, but then I couldn't get the camera in there to take the picture! I think moving the rings farther away from the screen would have made the shadows worse, since the light would really be coming from only one side in that situation.

My next plan is to cut the bottom off a plastic milk bottle, place that over the rings, and then blast it on the outside with bright light. Then I will cut a hole in it somewhere to shoot through and see how that works for a little mini light tent.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Becky V  (K:9699)  
10/8/2002 8:37:12 AM

Interesting concept! I really like abstracts of household items. It makes us look twice at things we take for granted everyday. I agree with Kim, even if it's not what you wanted, it's still a great photograph. How close were the rings to the laptop? Did you try moving them further away for softer light?

P.S. - I love the title!
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Kim Culbert  (K:37070)  
10/8/2002 6:31:50 AM

Maybe not what you were going for, but still very interesting. I think you've used the negative space very well and the composition of the key rings makes me look deeper into the image.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Terrence Kent  (K:7023)  
10/5/2002 8:56:34 PM

        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)  
10/4/2002 6:33:24 AM

Thanks, Russ, for the comment. I was about arm's length from the cactus. Attached is one of the original images.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
10/4/2002 5:55:55 AM


In the words of Arte Johnson, "Very Interesting!" I like the folds of the cactus and how the shadows fall in those folds. When I first looked at this I thought it was leather. Good tones and detail. How far from the cactus were you?
Later my friend,

Another Russ
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Rob Holschbach  (K:2748)  
9/23/2002 5:47:42 AM

Recovery work looks good Russ. I like the compostion. When I take digi's of my varmits, I usually set for degrees of a little under exposure. However, I can see how your arrangement would have been hard to recognize with under exposure.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Mark Scheuern  (K:1428)  
9/23/2002 5:24:03 AM

I cdertainly wouldn't have known it was badly underexposed if you hadn't said so. I like the space above and the texture of the carpet as well as Larry himself. Nice work!
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)  
9/22/2002 9:49:44 PM

Thanks to you all for the encouraging words. Maybe someday with your help I'll be able to rely more on skill and experience than good luck and Paint Shop Pro!
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: Dawna G.   (K:7709)  
9/22/2002 7:29:28 PM

agreed, nice image, good composition and love the bw.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

Critique By: jeff lynch  (K:4770)  
9/22/2002 7:27:37 PM

Good comp and a very good photo rescue here Russ! Nice work man. The b&w works very well here.
        Photo By: Russ Cooper  (K:759)

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