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Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/9/2005 10:22:00 PM

Nice capture, just feels a tad soft but otherwise very good
        Photo By: richard jefferson  (K:72)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/9/2005 10:14:33 PM

Fantastic capture, the timing is perfect. I'm guessing you used burst mode, but that doesn't take anything away from this image.
Great shot.
        Photo By: Bob Botts  (K:414)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/9/2005 8:43:09 PM

Yes the reflection is very good, not sure about the big black line down the left though

Good work

        Photo By: Peter De Rycke  (K:41212) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/9/2005 8:41:11 PM

Hi Carole, welcome to Usefilm hope to see more of CS in action in your images. You have a good teacher.


        Photo By: Carole Spracklen  (K:0)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/9/2005 1:28:36 PM

Thats beautiful, the way the hedges zig-zag up the landscape. I think you could have cropped off the sky and some of the distant landsape, leaving the eye to come to rest on the two trees.

I still think its a breathtaking view as it is though.

        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/9/2005 12:20:30 PM

Excellent, nice exposure and great pose ;-)
        Photo By: Jim Kelly  (K:167)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/8/2005 10:41:50 PM

Yep, they are hard indeed. Nice first attempt, if you notice you have the petals at the top in focus, whilst those at the bottom are out. The trick is to get enough light to allow really deep dof, maybe two or more flash heads are needed in some cases. Keep trying though, as I said a good start.

        Photo By: Roger Williams  (K:86139) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/8/2005 4:42:13 PM

Yes and having the people in the image adds to the composition. Without these it would not have so much interest. Good work again.

        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/8/2005 9:32:59 AM

Hi Roger, yes f5.6 is quite shallow dof on this lens by ther look of it, but I don't mind that.
I think the tones are really well distributed and I do like your composition, with the two diagonals created by the pipes.

Good work

        Photo By: Roger Williams  (K:86139) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/8/2005 9:29:54 AM

And a happy Friday to you too. You have inspired me to get the macro lens aou and look around for some colour closeups. Haven't done that for a while.


        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/8/2005 9:24:42 AM

Hi Peter,

of the three I like this one, but thats because I prefer the artistic feel of duotone. The perspective is just perfect, and the little house just creeping into frame adds just the right amount of weight to keep it from being too balanced.

Great stuff

        Photo By: Peter De Rycke  (K:41212) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
4/8/2005 9:22:14 AM

Tremendous, pure Spracklen and upto the high standards now expected ;-)

I really do like this, it would grace any postcard shop in Glastonbury.


        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/31/2005 11:07:12 PM

I wish I could do this with such regularity as you do. The construction and tone are just 'spot on'. Great Work, up there with the best of your portfolio.

        Photo By: KEVIN TEMPLE  (K:8657) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/31/2005 11:05:19 PM

Hi Roger, as the others have moted the canal/stream really does take the eye through the picture, whilst that tree gives it something solid to move around. Good composition.

        Photo By: Roger Williams  (K:86139) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/31/2005 11:02:47 PM

Nice one Chris, I like butterfly farms, they have so many possibilities for photographers. Trouble is my kids have outgrown them nowadays. I'll just have to go alone.
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/30/2005 5:20:14 PM

Excellent ... and I agree ;-)
        Photo By: delete my account delete my account  (K:305)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/30/2005 4:52:22 PM

Now thats what I call a scalectrix road, double white lines and perfect black tarmac. The trees also add to the feeling of a tunnel. I like this a lot, well done - where is it ?

        Photo By: Adam Burton  (K:90)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/29/2005 9:15:51 PM

Hi Roger,

Well I have to say I find this very good indeed. The composition is spot on, nothing to change here, and the tones are excellent too. I think the lens is a good addition to your collection.

        Photo By: Roger Williams  (K:86139) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/29/2005 4:21:47 AM

Definitely needs a little more contrast to remove the overall white cast. Maybe try levels or curves to make the blacks really black. Also worth using de-matte or is it de-fringe in Photoshop CS to remove the white edges
        Photo By: Naomi Weidner  (K:6636)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/28/2005 9:03:12 AM

Hi Roger,
This is the best of the three. Your viewpoint exagerates the fearsome nature of the 'lion', and Chris is right the texture does work very well here. I wouldn't have known you had corrected the verticals if you hadn't mentioned it.
Good work

        Photo By: Roger Williams  (K:86139) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/27/2005 11:07:22 PM

Very nice, I like the fact that theres just a slight colour about the grass. Nice image
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/27/2005 10:08:31 PM

Composition is tremendous and the colours are perfect. Nice one
        Photo By: KEVIN TEMPLE  (K:8657) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/26/2005 11:19:45 PM

I think of the two I prefer this one, as you say the sky has added interest. Good Work
        Photo By: Peter De Rycke  (K:41212) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/26/2005 11:18:16 PM

Very nice indeed. Just have a little worry about the transition between the poppy field and the grass in front of the castle. Otherwise excellent

        Photo By: KEVIN TEMPLE  (K:8657) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/26/2005 11:16:31 PM

Really lovely, the fence leads the eye upto the treen and then the light just captures the eye perfectly. One of your best.

        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/25/2005 11:33:33 PM

Hi Dave,

Now that is a stunner, I love the receding layers, classic composition. Good Work

Happy Easter.

        Photo By: dave green  (K:2396)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/25/2005 11:14:06 PM

Excellent detail from the scanner (well as much as we can see from the 640 upload). The colours and composition are very very good. well donr.

Happy Easter

        Photo By: Barry Wakelin  (K:7838)

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/25/2005 11:11:33 PM

Hi Roger,

I almost bought a widelux a few weeks ago, but the lure of a big white lens was too much.

I really do like these panoramas, and now with the colour enhancement I think you have a tremendous image here, one I would be proud to have in my collection.

Good work, and Happy Easter

        Photo By: Roger Williams  (K:86139) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/25/2005 11:08:44 PM

Impressive, very impressive. nothing I could say would make this any better.

Great work.

Happy Easter.

        Photo By: KEVIN TEMPLE  (K:8657) Donor

Critique By: Keith Naylor  (K:13064)  
3/25/2005 11:07:20 PM

Hi Chris,

Well I can't believe you've bought a second D70, thats just outragous ;-) Must admit I'd like a 20D to sit alongside my 10D, maybe someday.

I do like this image, very warm colours as usual. I'd maybe crop just a little off the bottom, iust to lose some of the heavyness. Apart from that it a good piece of work.

Happy Easter

        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

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