Critique By:
Marleen den Brok (K:374)
12/16/2002 5:58:40 AM
I'm afraid the bird is soaring a bit too high for me to make this picture interesting. It also looks like it's out of focus.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Rana Dawood (K:97)
12/16/2002 2:19:17 AM
beautiful crisp image and colours...cool!
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Alex Avilov (K:634)
12/4/2002 4:25:06 PM
I am not sure about the title, but the picture is vey nice. There is something in it that suck you in it and hold.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Beverly Gustafson (K:1572)
12/3/2002 7:41:13 PM
I love the way the lines of the clouds mirror the ripples in the water, leading the eye to the lone figure of the woman. Stunning.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Antonio Díaz (K:2710)
12/3/2002 2:59:07 PM
i agree with Marc G. this is great but it looks very good on panoramic too... you should try that crop! cheers!
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Deleted User (K:4598)
12/3/2002 2:30:52 PM
Beautiful capture with a warm sky and perfectly balanced clouds.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Marc Gougenheim (K:5398)
12/3/2002 12:14:40 PM
The picture works as it is, but could still be improved imo. You've got a great light here, and fantastic details in the water... Yet at the bottom and top, you don't have much expect vignetting. The composition that comes to my mind is therefore to crop top and bottom dark areas, and to go for a panoramic.
Finally, ideally, the person would maybe not be THAT close to the island at the horizon - but that's a small matter. Try the panoramic: I'm pretty sure you'll like it a lot. regards.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Marc Robin (K:3385)
12/3/2002 12:05:19 PM
I keep coming back to this one too, even though it's only been on for a few minutes. It just wouldn't be half as interesting without that person, would it! Glad you liked my idea! Marc
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Morsi Hussein (K:1128)
12/3/2002 12:02:04 PM
I agree Marc. Thanks for the good critique. I must admit the admit the image doen't really come out as it should on screen, however, removing the rocks on the right; I see what you mean. Cheers Morsi
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Marc Robin (K:3385)
12/3/2002 11:57:21 AM
I have to agree with Anindya...Wow. but, it's only 3:41 pm so i'll add some constructive critique. I tried moving the picture in the monitor so that the dark rocks on the right are cut off, and it seemed to change the dynamic of the image a bit, making the person more important. Try it and see what you think! Cheers, Marc
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Anindya Maity (K:7880)
12/3/2002 11:53:46 AM
Wish I could be more constructive,but it's 2 am here so I'll just say-WOOOW !!!!!!!!!!!
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
John Myers (K:4308)
12/2/2002 12:36:41 PM
wow! awesome photo!!
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Deleted User (K:4598)
12/1/2002 8:27:56 AM
Beautiful, strong, capture.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Sarah Needham (K:2482)
12/1/2002 3:04:25 AM
I really like the two-tone effect in this. I agree about the lights in the foreground, but this is such a good image, that it doesn't really matter.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
sean slavin (K:3488)
11/30/2002 5:36:12 PM
pretty interesting. i'm with phillip about the houses in the foreground. did the light from the lighthouse do that because of fog? 8)
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Phillip Filtz (K:1792)
11/30/2002 6:30:47 AM
I really like it. I think I would like to see the image w/o the houses in it, or the highlites from them. Still, I like.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Daniel Saaiman (K:1222)
11/29/2002 9:15:39 PM
Simply amazing now that we all understand it!!
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Dylan Davies (K:362)
11/29/2002 8:32:24 AM
i really like both in this series. they both create a mood of calm and feeling of relaxed, which judgeing by the about, is what you were going for. excellent.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Adam E. J. Squier (K:9803)
11/29/2002 4:17:40 AM
My first thought was "mirror lens" and my second thought was "what's a barrelhead?" Not sure what you were going for here, even with the prose in the "about" section.
Are barrelheads the ends of barrels on guns? To me, it sounds like a kind of fish, but what do I know?
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Scott Carver (K:690)
11/28/2002 11:11:34 AM
Cool Effect:>
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
April Atchley (K:103)
11/28/2002 7:36:53 AM
This is awesome!!! The lighting, background, the expression!
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Petros Stamatakos (K:12101)
11/27/2002 6:24:50 PM
Hi Morsi,
I'd like to read the article. Where has it been published?
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Petra Engle (K:1282)
11/27/2002 3:38:03 PM
Ah, it makes much more sense now. Kind of like a deer caught in the headlights idea. In that context it works indeed. Thanks for explaining.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Morsi Hussein (K:1128)
11/27/2002 3:15:48 PM
I can understand this image has caused some thinking. This was made for an article depicting the heartless killing of kangaroo by some drivers of automated vehicles(read:cars/trucks) in Australia. The poem is the kangaroo's
brgds Morsi
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Sue O'S (K:12878)
11/27/2002 3:12:44 PM
"To boldly go where no 'roo has gone before..."
I was thinkin' it's a kangaroo, but doe or roo, I haven't made the connection either. I like the colors of the background and I like the picture of the animal, and together they make me wonder what I'm missing.
But I go through a lot of situations like that.
Whoever gave you two zero ratings should have given you points for clarity of the roo photo which is nicely detailed. I don't vote except when I really really like an image.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Petra Engle (K:1282)
11/27/2002 3:05:16 PM
I have to be honest, this doesn't work for me. The doe (?) by itself is beautiful, nice detail and all. The background is interesting by itself. But they don't go together and I don't get the connection to the poem. Maybe you can explain further?
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
11/25/2002 6:04:37 AM
Think I'll stay away. Don't need to become a new "man". ;-)
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Kim Culbert (K:37070)
11/24/2002 3:15:31 PM
As a double dog owner, this photo captures the bond wonderfully to me. Love the lines in the background, almost tying the person and dog together. Very nice.
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Ken Lucas (K:110)
11/24/2002 1:43:07 PM
I went back three times to look at this photo. I too am a dog lover. To me this photo expresses the shared devotion between dog and owner. Great shot!
Photo By: Morsi Hussein
Critique By:
Jun Ma (K:511)
11/24/2002 12:51:15 PM
I took me several seconds to recognize the shapes of the beings, then came the WOW! I don't know how the lighting effects were achieved, but they are perfect!
Photo By: Morsi Hussein