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Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
11/4/2003 9:09:22 PM

Wow! Purrrrfurrrrfect! How did you get the fur effect? Is that a plug in? Our poor, poor children. They become the unknowing subjects of our digital manipulations. Pixelatory abuse -- Freud would have a hey-day... :-)
        Photo By: peta jones  (K:12615)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
11/1/2003 9:05:11 PM

Great tones, textures and curves in the composition. Velvia seems to convert nicely to B/W!! Love that gnarly tree... gnarly trees are the best. :-) The tree grabs the attention versus the storm.
        Photo By: Kenneth Kwan  (K:3084)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
11/1/2003 8:56:49 PM

Simply wicked... wickedly wonderful... wonderfully creative... creatively kooky. Love it! I'd like to know how you were able to get the different skeleton posed placed so neatly! Add to my favorites.
        Photo By: Jim McNitt  (K:11246)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
11/1/2003 8:49:12 PM

Ahhhh... he's BAAAAAACK! And in fine form. Great graveyard shot. This looks like it's illuminated by aurora borealis. I once streaked through a graveyard with a bunch of crazy friends back in the 70's. And the fellow in this looks like he's taking his coat off... is he streaking too? :-)
        Photo By: Jim McNitt  (K:11246)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
11/1/2003 8:45:30 PM

Terrific shot, Jim! I've never scuba dived, never mind taking a camera down there too! What a great undersea shot! The contrasting yellow and purple colors are wonderful. Did you just return from this trip?
        Photo By: Jim F  (K:8859) Donor

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
11/1/2003 8:30:52 PM

Here's the original color shot.
        Photo By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/26/2003 11:28:26 AM

This is really great work... you've set everything up so well. You found the pumpkin patch, the wonderful vintage jacket and boots! All the elements are placed so perfectly! How did you get rid of the head? :-) This definitely sets the mood for Halloween! Congrats to you! I look forward to others!
        Photo By: Lissa Hatcher  (K:3006)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/24/2003 10:25:06 PM

This is a wonderful composition! The light is a little bright beyond the arches. So, I did a little playing around to see what it would look like if the sea were not as washed out. Here you go:
        Photo By: Dionysus Winer  (K:763)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/23/2003 8:45:50 PM

Somehow I missed this one! Very imaginative and funny as hell! :-) Congrats!!
        Photo By: Richard Marriner  (K:6657)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/23/2003 8:39:07 PM

Great colors. I really like the vantage point you've chosen -- so close to the earth. I'm curious as to how you set this up? Did you have a little mini tripod, or does the wide angle pull in the ground so nicely?
        Photo By: Kenneth Kwan  (K:3084)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/23/2003 8:33:46 PM

Directions... to a McDonald's in the evil underbelly of the world... cool arches. :-) Interesting mood.
        Photo By: In Transit  (K:29432)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/21/2003 8:25:26 PM

Lovely model, lovely tones, lovely light, lovely eyes, lovely everything....
        Photo By: peta jones  (K:12615)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/21/2003 8:23:03 PM

Gorgeous colors and composition, John. I like the placement of the three trees and how they decrease in size as you get closer to the left edge -- almost abstract.
        Photo By: John Chiu  (K:6250)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/21/2003 8:20:01 PM

I love old buildings too, Vicki! This one might have been a good candidate to convert to black and white to add to it's aged look. :-)
        Photo By: Vicki Bentley  (K:5080)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/21/2003 8:17:56 PM

Excellent capture of the power of water. Was the water color a result of spring run-off from melting snow pack? The tones are great! Reminds me of Canada... *sigh*
        Photo By: Fernando Carello  (K:120)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/21/2003 8:13:08 PM

I really like this partial effect! Very cool! I may have to try your technique!!
        Photo By: Paul N  (K:188)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/21/2003 8:00:04 PM

Thanks everyone for all of your comments! I used solarization to get the funky drama in the clouds and that solarization created the white outlines in the leaves of the tree (this is not a composite and the tree is not pasted in). IMHO, the contrasting white on the foliage looked cool -- like frost or ice crystals, so I added some lighting effects behind the tree. I purposely didn't try to integrate the white with the clouds and am not surprised that not everyone agrees with that approach. But heh, that's ok. This is a very subjective realm we float around in and I enjoy the commentary and suggestions so very much. I included the original for anyone who's curious...
        Photo By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/19/2003 7:33:39 PM

Very cool, Patricia! But how did you manage to capture the gazing balls via camera without getting your image in there somewhere? Or are you there? :-)
        Photo By: Patricia Eifel  (K:5097)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/18/2003 5:28:08 PM

Gorgeous shot, Ken! The curves in the sand formation in the foreground are great and I like the way the small bit of water in that formation reflects the sky ever so softly.
        Photo By: Kenneth Kwan  (K:3084)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/16/2003 9:37:52 PM

This is terrific! I'm glad I've had a chance to view your portfolio. I really like the creative way you use long exposures to create such beautiful blurred abstracts!
        Photo By: ana ribeiro  (K:21290)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/16/2003 9:35:14 PM

Wonderful, Kaj!! I like the mood and soft blues... plus the tree has such character!
        Photo By: Kaj Nielsen  (K:15279)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/16/2003 9:28:35 PM

I find wildlife photography difficult, so I really admire these kind of images. The tentative gaze of suspicion you've captured in the wolf is amazing!! This isn't just any image -- it's better than most!!
        Photo By: Jim Christensen  (K:18843)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/16/2003 9:20:40 PM

Wonderful rich assortment of colors!!
        Photo By: Steve Dunn  (K:789)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/15/2003 8:58:32 PM

Amazing shot! Great contrasting colors and top to bottom symmetry with the reflection. Backpacking.... oh, I'm so damn jealous. :-) I'm looking forward to seeing more shots from this trip!
        Photo By: Kenneth Kwan  (K:3084)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/15/2003 8:18:11 PM

Wonderful natural candid! I love these kind of shots! I don't care if it's got a little bit of grain -- it's got more than enough character to make up for that!!
        Photo By: Spencer E.  (K:4032)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/14/2003 10:15:44 PM

Brrrrrr..... :-) Nice leading lines and patterns, Kaj! We had a cold front move in here in Texas. Woo hooo!! High's tomorrow of 23C!! :-)
        Photo By: Kaj Nielsen  (K:15279)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/14/2003 10:03:27 PM

Very creative and wonderful colors!!
        Photo By: Vlad P.  (K:1477)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/14/2003 10:02:12 PM

Wow! The clouds and the water almost mirror each other in how they explode outward. What an amazing scene! Adding to my favorites.
        Photo By: Nana Sousa Dias  (K:263)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/14/2003 9:48:55 PM

Great portrait! The lighting is great as his pose. The diagonal lines in the beams add good interest too!
        Photo By: Debra Griffin-Ibrahim  (K:7119)

Critique By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)  
10/14/2003 9:47:02 PM

I really like this...the DOF and the crop are perfect!!
        Photo By: sandy c. hopkins  (K:17107)

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