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Critiques From Joćo Magalhćes

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Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
8/18/2006 12:00:31 PM

Magritte lives.
        Photo By: Rocky Berlier  (K:2009)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
7/6/2006 10:40:54 AM

I like this one.
        Photo By: gianna piano  (K:15530)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
7/4/2006 12:13:09 PM

I manage to get *near* to what I want here and there. Thank you for your comments.
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
7/4/2006 12:10:17 PM

>Jeanette's Comment: I“m curious why you make the images you make
>when you don“t like beautiful images

I like beautiful images, but I'm trying to get beyond the "usual beautiful": sunsets, skies, women (I never had a chance long enough with this subject here, isn't it funny, I'd love to have a serious chance once, I know I look at them differently too), babies, butterflies, flowers, dogs and cats, etc etc etc

I'm trying to do less usual subjects and less usual viewpoints.

>to work with conventional compositions and so on, cause i can
>see in your shots thats really important things to you.
>AND, to try to breake the rules you must know them very very well,
>first of all, and to breake them is still to work with them.

You are very, very, very much right. I'm not trying to go "against", and as it happens I can't leave traditional composition - it keeps returning in half my photos, I was educated that way, it became "built-in".

But I would like to go beyond, transcend, experiment, etc. I'm not being too successful, in my personal point of view, but I'm determined to try.

Some people here (and at other sites) are absolute examples of alternative composition and technique. My reference is now after 1990, but NOT Jeff Hall. A few older ones like Kishin Shinoyama, Bill Brandt and most of those I mention in my profile are definitely very interesting to me (and I'll keep stressing Friedlander, Eggleston, Steven Shore).

At some time I was into the concept of Technically Perfect Banality, and I still think it works. But I think that now I lost self-importance and am just snapshooting banality, which is a refreshing idea (to me). While I was stuck with the idea of technical perfection and imitating american street photographers... I stopped photographing completely!!! That's been over 2 years, almost. I mean, in what regards experimentation and new stuff (new for me). I even went to see a doctor (similarity with writer's block).

Most of my recent and unimportant stuff is at one of my blogs and now getting to the Scrap section of my DeviantArt page (

>The composition and perspective is the way we see and understand
>the view around us, the crop is the way we make our image language.

Hm. Please notice one thing: if you show a photograph to someone who has never seen a photograph

TADA! that person doesn't understand the image, not even if it's the photo of someone he/she knows well. You have to TEACH people to see photographs.

It's a cultural construction. It's not in the least immediate. That was a revelation to me (that and the monkeys and Cartier-Bresson story I have in my profile.)

>It“s rather in the crop i have seen something interesting
>ongoing theme in your work.... if you see what i mean. I also
>think that in the space "inbetween" there is something interesting...
>but as soon as trying to explain it, it“s not longer there....

Thank you. That's very flattering. Maybe I'm getting near to somewhere somehow.

Thank you very much for your comment.

        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
7/4/2006 11:45:29 AM

It's nothing, really. My main comment was on the model: "Oooh! Oh!".

But most of my verbosity was about how I felt by commenting on the model instead of the photo.

(Of course we must keep in mind that the photograph did work!)

At any rate, it seems that yesterday I wrote lots of things impossible to understand here and there, lol.

The bottom line is: congratulations to you both, photographer and model.

PS - Yo también no entiendo espańol :-)))
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
7/3/2006 1:08:19 PM

I'm *terribly* upset for commenting on something other than photo quality, that's really not my way in the world etc etc etc and all that but... Oh! Ooooh!
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
4/4/2006 10:00:47 AM

        Photo By: Paul Tremain  (K:191)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
2/26/2006 10:28:21 AM

Matej, one (if not the only) interesting part is that there wasn't, actually, any color in it.
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
2/22/2006 4:50:12 PM

Jeanette, yes. I was very impressed myself with the camera, considering it's smaller than a cigarette pack. I carried it always with me everywhere, until I lost it a couple of weeks ago (and ordered a Ixus 7, eh eh). I was expecting less quality than 35 mm, but overall, provided I didn't do A4 prints, it worked nice and definitely doesn't weigh in my shoulder. And yes, it's nice, quiet place too :-) And great food, last time I was there :-)
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
2/4/2006 12:53:45 PM

Yes, that's a pleasant quiet place, most of the time. Should you pass by this corner of the woods, you're invited :-)))
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/29/2005 6:02:19 AM

Weeelll... I think it would be a self-p if the self was the subject instead of a composition element. Un-self portrait, self un-portrait???
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/26/2005 4:36:48 AM

Great photo, great light, beautiful model. I would have cleaned up the desk, possibly, or at least give it a try (at lesat the typewriter?), to reduce some clutter. Dunno.
        Photo By: Timothy Schirmer  (K:7201)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/22/2005 3:27:35 PM

It's obviously flawless, and moreover, it does convey a sense of harmony and a feeling.
        Photo By: Danielle Toews  (K:1035)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/22/2005 3:21:28 PM

Magnificent. I love it. Now I could tell you about this and that, but if I did it, it would intrude on my enjoying the picture. Bravo.
        Photo By: Mihalca Radu  (K:187)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/22/2005 3:19:49 PM

It's a very nice image, with a nice light and color. It's a pity, though, that the left side of the face is sliding into overexposure, that the box's edge is a bit intrusive, visually, and that at the corner of the box, at the right, there's a (PS'ed?) blur. You could show more of the box (straightened), but I'm sure you made your decisions. Overall a nice image.
        Photo By: Anna Lankau  (K:843)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/22/2005 3:09:27 PM

Great light, as a stage usually provides. I would definitely haved cropped differently, as the rightmost person is disturbing to the eye, but then the back light on the coat, at left, becomes disturbing too.
        Photo By: Kemal Kekeva  (K:3958)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/22/2005 3:54:38 AM

Cool. I think you didn't need the grain or, at least, that much grain, but that's an option. Another option would be to clean up skin inperfections; that would produe a less "bumpy" photo, but not te protrait of a given person. Congs.
        Photo By: marķlia campos  (K:517)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/17/2005 4:20:23 PM

Oh dear, this is awfully erotic.
Yes, maybe Caravaggio? Also something in the vein of the Death of Sardanapal (sp?) Or some occasional Rubens? Magnificent.
It's very interesting as you can make this and that in terms of style. Some people would call it inconsitency, but I would say you have many ideas in mind. Bravo. (I just wonder if I would get a heavier bracelet or discard it.)
        Photo By: Zelda Zabrinsky  (K:3036)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/27/2004 10:03:09 AM

Oooh. What colors.
        Photo By: zosia zija  (K:11106)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/25/2004 5:58:40 PM

Yes, the reflection spoils it... maybe PS it out?
        Photo By: Jim Aho  (K:95)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/25/2004 5:57:30 PM

Cool image.
        Photo By: audra  erin  (K:3837) Donor

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/30/2004 12:13:19 PM

Thank you Jeanette. Friedlander's portraits, though (at least those I like), are deligthfully messy and nuts.
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/30/2004 12:10:49 PM

Luis, acho que o tacho ainda lį tem mais uma para rapar, ą direita, e depois talvez o jarro da įgua :-)
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/30/2004 12:08:10 PM

Eh eh :-) I'm so devious I sometimes get myself lost :-)
Anamorphisms are trendy too. Though not my cup of tea, and then who knows. There's still a couple of them slightly to the right of the one I made.
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/29/2004 12:26:22 PM

Hm maybe, but it's imaginary. At least because I never saw the building :-) Or, in another way, should I please my senses or be truthful? Should I care for end results or the subject? "What is truth" anyway? That is, if most of the time I care above all about end results, should I take them into visual pleasure or -- if contradicting -- fidelity to the reproduction of our world as drab as it might be? Once I'd answer one of the ways, now another. In that sense again, Stephen Shore (after the Eggleston shock) brought me a new answer (see if you wish) in favour of truthfulness and in detraction of pure visual pleasure. Aesthetics is about pleasure, truth is about logic and morals I think. Sorry about this rant! It has been very important to me lately. I seem unable to conciliate reality and pleasure.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/27/2004 11:04:27 AM

That's what I mean, they're true, with glare and all. It would be (to me, and still now) a temptation to push contrast, saturation, black point and do something like the thing below. No irony.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/26/2004 9:48:30 PM

I'm glad you resisted to push colors in this series.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/26/2004 9:41:22 PM

Hmmm yes. Bravo again.
        Photo By: zosia zija  (K:11106)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/15/2004 12:39:13 PM

Nice choice.
        Photo By: marķlia campos  (K:517)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/15/2004 12:29:45 PM

Wow. One of the best I've seen lately.
        Photo By: Michael Kronmiller  (K:89)

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