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Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/29/2005 6:02:19 AM

Weeelll... I think it would be a self-p if the self was the subject instead of a composition element. Un-self portrait, self un-portrait???
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/26/2005 4:36:48 AM

Great photo, great light, beautiful model. I would have cleaned up the desk, possibly, or at least give it a try (at lesat the typewriter?), to reduce some clutter. Dunno.
        Photo By: Timothy Schirmer  (K:7201)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/22/2005 3:27:35 PM

It's obviously flawless, and moreover, it does convey a sense of harmony and a feeling.
        Photo By: Danielle Toews  (K:1035)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/22/2005 3:21:28 PM

Magnificent. I love it. Now I could tell you about this and that, but if I did it, it would intrude on my enjoying the picture. Bravo.
        Photo By: Mihalca Radu  (K:187)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/22/2005 3:19:49 PM

It's a very nice image, with a nice light and color. It's a pity, though, that the left side of the face is sliding into overexposure, that the box's edge is a bit intrusive, visually, and that at the corner of the box, at the right, there's a (PS'ed?) blur. You could show more of the box (straightened), but I'm sure you made your decisions. Overall a nice image.
        Photo By: Anna Lankau  (K:843)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/22/2005 3:09:27 PM

Great light, as a stage usually provides. I would definitely haved cropped differently, as the rightmost person is disturbing to the eye, but then the back light on the coat, at left, becomes disturbing too.
        Photo By: Kemal Kekeva  (K:3958)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/22/2005 3:54:38 AM

Cool. I think you didn't need the grain or, at least, that much grain, but that's an option. Another option would be to clean up skin inperfections; that would produe a less "bumpy" photo, but not te protrait of a given person. Congs.
        Photo By: marķlia campos  (K:517)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/17/2005 4:20:23 PM

Oh dear, this is awfully erotic.
Yes, maybe Caravaggio? Also something in the vein of the Death of Sardanapal (sp?) Or some occasional Rubens? Magnificent.
It's very interesting as you can make this and that in terms of style. Some people would call it inconsitency, but I would say you have many ideas in mind. Bravo. (I just wonder if I would get a heavier bracelet or discard it.)
        Photo By: Zelda Zabrinsky  (K:3036)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/27/2004 10:03:09 AM

Oooh. What colors.
        Photo By: zosia zija  (K:11106)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/25/2004 5:58:40 PM

Yes, the reflection spoils it... maybe PS it out?
        Photo By: Jim Aho  (K:95)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
12/25/2004 5:57:30 PM

Cool image.
        Photo By: audra  erin  (K:3837) Donor

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/30/2004 12:13:19 PM

Thank you Jeanette. Friedlander's portraits, though (at least those I like), are deligthfully messy and nuts.
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/30/2004 12:10:49 PM

Luis, acho que o tacho ainda lį tem mais uma para rapar, ą direita, e depois talvez o jarro da įgua :-)
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/30/2004 12:08:10 PM

Eh eh :-) I'm so devious I sometimes get myself lost :-)
Anamorphisms are trendy too. Though not my cup of tea, and then who knows. There's still a couple of them slightly to the right of the one I made.
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/29/2004 12:26:22 PM

Hm maybe, but it's imaginary. At least because I never saw the building :-) Or, in another way, should I please my senses or be truthful? Should I care for end results or the subject? "What is truth" anyway? That is, if most of the time I care above all about end results, should I take them into visual pleasure or -- if contradicting -- fidelity to the reproduction of our world as drab as it might be? Once I'd answer one of the ways, now another. In that sense again, Stephen Shore (after the Eggleston shock) brought me a new answer (see if you wish) in favour of truthfulness and in detraction of pure visual pleasure. Aesthetics is about pleasure, truth is about logic and morals I think. Sorry about this rant! It has been very important to me lately. I seem unable to conciliate reality and pleasure.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/27/2004 11:04:27 AM

That's what I mean, they're true, with glare and all. It would be (to me, and still now) a temptation to push contrast, saturation, black point and do something like the thing below. No irony.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/26/2004 9:48:30 PM

I'm glad you resisted to push colors in this series.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/26/2004 9:41:22 PM

Hmmm yes. Bravo again.
        Photo By: zosia zija  (K:11106)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/15/2004 12:39:13 PM

Nice choice.
        Photo By: marķlia campos  (K:517)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
11/15/2004 12:29:45 PM

Wow. One of the best I've seen lately.
        Photo By: Michael Kronmiller  (K:89)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
10/23/2004 10:15:03 AM

There's a lot of things I definitely like here, such as the tonal range, the luminosity, the toes, the tissue, the frames in the wall, the wood texture, the hands, the unlit meditative cigarette, what else...
        Photo By: Marta Glinska  (K:89)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
10/21/2004 12:59:44 PM

I definitely like the cut's idea. I had a similar one, that of tops of buildings cut by [sand] dunes, like land ships. I found the location, but not the motivation.
        Photo By: Jean-Franēois Dupuis  (K:70)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
10/16/2004 12:12:45 PM

Hi, Dennis. Rest assured that if you eat two of those things you will be breaking the Geneva War Convention, so the midwestern interpretation isn't that much lost. One must face these fried things with healthy, brave, adventure-loving gallbladders.
Arbus and Evans, well... I was thinking of a dame in the post-modern trend, the "this is a such bore, but then it's our reality", but my library is 100 miles from here.
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
10/16/2004 12:05:39 PM

        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
10/8/2004 10:49:54 AM

I like this new polaroid stuff of yours a lot.
Now for the philosophy. I do object to making photos of statues, paintings and even lighting setups in theaters etc., for copyright reasons, not because they're easy shots. Lets put it straight, the light setup at a theatre is the intelectual work of the lighting engineers.
In this particular situation what you did is an entirely new vision of the object that takes it far away from the original into something new. Hence, a squared congratulation.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
10/7/2004 12:03:53 PM

That's beautiful.
        Photo By: Manuela Morgado  (K:571)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
10/7/2004 12:01:38 PM

Bee, I looked and looked and looked, but didn't find anything that might look like one. I'd love to, though.
        Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
10/1/2004 8:26:30 AM

Great comp.
        Photo By: John Strazza  (K:11535)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
9/30/2004 11:37:39 AM

I think this one's the best of the tree.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Joćo Magalhćes  (K:2067)  
9/30/2004 11:36:23 AM

Oh, a ménage a three :-) I wouldn't call it as dissy as that, everybody has been doing dissy blurs for the past 10 years, but it's always fun, fresh, useful and surprising. Congs.
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

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