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Critiques From Mike Jones

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Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
10/23/2005 12:33:45 AM

Very nice, well done. I've been trying to do something like this for years. Two questions -

How did you track the sky for this long exposure ? (off axis etc?)

Also - what tools did you use to assemble the images ?

Someday I hope to get something this good.
        Photo By: Boris Stromar  (K:9)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
1/9/2005 4:30:38 AM

wow - postcard perfect. The greens are lush and details of the leaves are present. The grays of the rocks and even the detail in the upper right.
The focus appears to be good. I think you nailed this one. You listed the exposure as 1/3 of a second ?
        Photo By: James Hager  (K:6285)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
1/3/2005 12:01:34 PM

The straight lines are what drew me to this image. Having the two crossing each other somehow adds and makes the image. Great job. I can't tell if it is my monitor or the photo, it appears as if the strings of the top one are out of focus (but wood grain is in focus), the strings of the lower instrument are in focus. Because the top strings head right to the viewers eye - I think they should sharp and more in focus (or at least nearest the front of the picture). Having them blur into the background is a great affect, and would probably be a flat image otherwise. It adds great depth.

Nice work - keep it up.
        Photo By: Onur Özbakan  (K:16763)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
3/13/2004 7:27:45 AM

I saw the thumbnail and thought - wow - I had to look at the full image. The blue landscape and the sunrise over it is wonderful. It must have been amazing to be standing there taking the photo. You and nature conspired to make a brilliant photo.
        Photo By: Igor Amelkovich  (K:248)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
3/12/2004 5:18:24 PM

wow - the depth on this is wonderful. It has a very 3-d feel to it. Almost perfect - I feel that the two birds at the top are just a bit cut off - it'd be nice to have a little bit of sky/border above them. I do think that the surf in the foreground adds to the depth. great job.
        Photo By: Joann Winborn  (K:12550)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
3/6/2004 5:46:46 PM

Great light - and the colors that come with them. Exposure time is right on - lots of detail. I esp. like the scattered reflections in the water. Did you airbursh the clouds in the top left ? The tower appears a bit "cut-out" of the clouds.
        Photo By: labird max  (K:95)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/27/2003 2:51:48 PM

I love the colors - it just jumps out at me. Especially against the black background. It is almost like a watercolor - very rich and vibrant use of color.
        Photo By: Alexey Sapa  (K:27174)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/27/2003 2:47:15 PM

Cool choice of framing - it really gives a 3-D effect, increased the perceived depth. Good balance on the shades of green.

I have to ask - Do you know all of the names of these plants or are you reading the tags ? And where do you get them from ? Are plants your hobby or your business ?

I enjoy stopping by your area and viewing your work. Great job.
        Photo By: Alexey Sapa  (K:27174)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/16/2003 9:13:39 PM

he has a look of surprise on his face - as if he got caught stealing the cheese. Nice lighting and detail in the fur.
        Photo By: Carlo Di Ciuccio  (K:35)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/16/2003 9:07:36 PM

I love this one. The family is speaking to me - showing their joy of what looks like a new family member. I can imagine Dad handing out cigars. Having him lean in like that - he is almost poping out of the photo. Nice one.
        Photo By: Eveline Shih-Pitcairn  (K:4406)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/16/2003 9:02:23 PM

very cool. Enough exposure to get light on the film, as well as create a blur of everything in motion.. but not so much so as to capture those sitting still without blur. Did you ask them to stay still ? That guy in the foreground talking to the girl - what if he had waved or raised his hands while talking ? good job.
        Photo By: J.T. Lovell  (K:149)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/16/2003 8:52:12 PM

They kind of lean over you - like two parents scolding a child (the ball maybe). Great color and lighting (balance between sky and office windows). It is hard to believe that there will soon be a generation that won't know what the buildings were or that they ever existed - other than these "strange" photo's that they'll find on the internet (hmm... I wonder what city those are in... or... they were in NYC ? really.. you're pulling my leg..where ?)
        Photo By: Bill Long  (K:3306)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/14/2003 8:51:42 PM

Stunning colors. I like the bluring effect.
        Photo By: Saleem Khawar  (K:59)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/10/2003 7:48:13 PM

I've heard of Purple Mountains, but never purple trees. I think I'll add to this to my list of places to see before I die. You did a good job of centering and framing the subject - and left a nice amount of sky. Everything is lit well. Great job.
        Photo By: Laurie J. Herndon  (K:5338) Donor

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/10/2003 7:44:02 PM

I like the blur - shows the action of the street. Everything is in motion - each at it's own pace. Nice photo.
        Photo By: Todd Miller  (K:16464)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/10/2003 7:41:48 PM

Is that for real ? Your title is correct. Amazing. No doubt that nature acts in strange and mysterious ways. This is a very interesting photo.
        Photo By: Joann Winborn  (K:12550)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/10/2003 7:38:00 PM

Wow - spectacular. This image is so sharp and clear. Good job.
        Photo By: Márcio Costa  (K:2150)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
12/1/2003 8:26:23 PM

I like the backlighting, and also how much light was still available to light the trees and rocks. The blueish tint of the sun on the rocks is wonderful (or is that just my monitor).
        Photo By: Laurie J. Herndon  (K:5338) Donor

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/22/2003 7:34:17 AM

A rather good time to post this image. I think it is interesting to have historical images like this - no matter who it is. A day in the life of a President.
        Photo By: Joel Bonda  (K:725)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/22/2003 7:28:05 AM

Good job - I like the centering of the trees - and how you were able to capture them as the important subject matter (would this happen to be called "5 tree hill" ?). Good space above and below. This would make a nice 8x10 for your wall. However I think the ground/snow is a bit overexposed. Your choice of film & speed is good - although you might try 100 (I know it is difficult to choose film because today you need 100, tonight 400 - and you have to burn the roll before changing). Try a smaller aperture - or get a circular polarizer. I like the polarizer becuase it works like Sunglasses, plus it can help bring some detail by reducing reflection - and brings out the blue in the sky. For sun on snow I perfer a polarizer over a netural density filter (although I'm new to the netural filter and maybe haven't figured it out yet). I find filters to be rather fun.
        Photo By: Brenda Sellers  (K:322)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/22/2003 6:40:45 AM

Alexey - great job. I think you do a great job with closeups of your subjects. You seem to have that knack for zooming in on the important "action." I like how your photos only show the subject and the background fades away (as if floating in space). The disk was a really cool idea - the reflection is crystal clear. Of course I hope the disk belongs to your neighbor ;-)
        Photo By: Alexey Sapa  (K:27174)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/19/2003 7:45:09 PM

I like how the curve of the "roof" circles around and draws my eye to the apartment in the center. Nice way of framing it. The the cool blue is nice.
        Photo By: Jamie Haggett  (K:694)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/19/2003 7:40:21 PM

I like how the ball was caught w/ stop action - very sharp capture. The determined focus of the dog to keep his eye on the ball. Very good.
        Photo By: Winfried Suelflow  (K:43)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/19/2003 7:32:29 PM

I like your creative cropping (from where you were standing). This is almost an abstract - it is tight enough that I couldn't quickly tell what it was (had it not been for the title). The colors, shapes, lines, shadows - very relaxing photo. Nice job.
        Photo By: ali shaker  (K:911)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/19/2003 7:24:07 PM

I really like it. 1/5 of a second and you could move the tripod enough ? Amazing. The colors are rich and vibrant. Nice warm kind of feeling.
        Photo By: steven carter  (K:2140)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/19/2003 7:20:57 PM

Yes - beautiful. What kind is it? My only comment is the overexposure of the background. I feel it distracts my eye from the actual flower. The color of the flower itself is very rich. The green leaves have good depth.
        Photo By: jon parsons  (K:13639)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/19/2003 7:11:49 PM

I really like the way that the background is almost the same color as the flower itself. The exposure of the farthest leaves makes the flower appear translucent. Beautiful.
        Photo By: Wim Swyzen  (K:110)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/19/2003 7:09:17 PM

such passion. You really caught that magical moment - I hope you blow it up and frame it for them. I don't know if there is more to the left - I kinda feel that I need to see the whole set of flowers. This would look nice in a large frame at the end of a hallway in their home. Good job.
        Photo By: Sarah Chatham  (K:377)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/19/2003 7:02:44 PM

I really like the capture. The main character turned out with some bright blue colors - while everyone else appears as b&w. It reminds me of those b&w photo's where they color the lips red or the like. It really stands out. The thumbnail caught my eye and made me view this one. The really brings the focus/attention onto "Josh"
        Photo By: Kate Hargraves  (K:1620)

Critique By: Mike Jones  (K:696)  
11/7/2003 6:59:25 PM

Alexey - thanks for the comments on my photos. I've been looking at your photos - and have to say that they are extraordinary. I really like them, including the studio lighting. Good job.
        Photo By: Alexey Sapa  (K:27174)

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