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Critique By: ken osborn  (K:2997)  
2/6/2006 1:36:37 AM

Nice shot, Kelly. The cars provide a bit of context, but I'd have included a bit more of the 'collar' at the bottom of the horse, thou that's just a nit.

Mister Ken
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: M *  (K:2614)  
1/12/2005 6:01:41 AM

having just visited new orleans this is a great image. I shall have to upload one of my cemetary shots.
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: osvaldo rima  (K:6862)  
1/5/2005 8:32:07 PM

Hi Kelly, perfect !!
Bellissima fotografia!
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
11/30/2004 3:49:32 PM

nice indoor!!
so god hot colors

take care..
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
11/30/2004 3:48:43 PM

ehi you.. how are you!?
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
11/30/2004 3:46:44 PM

I remember your beautifulness!
but a new photo...
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: daniel mccain  (K:924)  
11/17/2004 6:35:18 AM

nice shot. the out of focus-ness of this piece gives it a painterly kind of quality. in that respect this could be better if you went further with that idea...In other words, you might consider making it more blurry, since right now you straddle that fence of almost being crisp but not right now this is almost a great shot...

oh, and yes, the red is better too...nice retouching
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
11/14/2004 8:25:47 AM

lovely, but the distance with the subject the deatils are little
nice one
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Kate Hargraves  (K:1620)  
11/4/2004 5:20:48 PM

GREAT SHOT- I LIKE THE HEAVY RED.. It makes it more magical. - Just wish it was a bit more crisp
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Kelly C  (K:1358)  
11/1/2004 5:34:36 PM

Yeah, I'm still here, though I haven't been shooting much digital lately, and I'm too lazy to scan and upload 35mm pics. I'll get on it, though. You've got some beautiful recent uploads; I'm off to post rave reviews--
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: zosia zija  (K:11106)  
11/1/2004 5:09:50 PM

        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Kelly C  (K:1358)  
11/1/2004 5:09:41 PM

The question is, do you prefer the color-retouched image above (I know I went heavy on the red), or the original below?
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Marcel Laurens  (K:3654)  
9/7/2004 10:41:35 PM

watcha been up to? i haven't posted much either.. work is killin me - did you find a writing job?
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Marcel Laurens  (K:3654)  
6/29/2004 4:35:55 PM

u still taking pictures??
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Luke C  (K:2105) Donor  
6/14/2004 4:27:13 PM

I really really like the colors here. It's a very interesting image. The only thing I can suggest is the softness in the lower left corner is a bit distracting, but not a big deal. Otherwise, like I said, the colors are awesome.
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Mark Drago  (K:10902)  
5/2/2004 11:30:32 PM

like these interior shots. nice dof here.
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Mark Drago  (K:10902)  
5/2/2004 11:29:18 PM

excellent, Kelly: color, light, texture, composition, even motion
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Luke C  (K:2105) Donor  
4/12/2004 9:51:26 PM

This really brings out the character of the establishment. This place also REALLY REALLY reminds me of a restaurant/bar in downtown Green Bay, Wisconsin..where I'm from. Good shot.
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Jonathan Wollin  (K:958)  
3/19/2004 10:56:03 AM

Kelly one make one photogenic model here. But a I think a tripod would help alot with your next self-pic and I see your in the bath room... hhhhmmmm A beautiful model like yourself needs something more on your level of beauty than whatz behind you
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Jorge Vasconcelos  (K:33746)  
2/22/2004 5:48:27 PM

I like your idea,you look cute.I thought to have a short discussion with you ,about blur,but forget it,you may be right,I was not going to the minute details,because the subject was more important.It was a very normal and polite conversation,tourists ask an indication, not were asked to show papers ,as it still is normal in many "democracies". No, no intention, they just were tall.
Regards and hope you end your paint job and get a job.
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Roy V  (K:13082)  
2/17/2004 8:40:15 AM

Kelly this is Awesome! Excellent contrast, framing and lines
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Roy V  (K:13082)  
2/17/2004 8:38:44 AM

Great Work! The perfect moment. Excellent and original framing and exposure.
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Robert Walls  (K:1728)  
2/15/2004 8:31:01 PM

Hey Kelly, the vertical lines give this image great strength and the weed is a very pretty contrast. You've also got good light, it picks up the contrast well. I'm in the process of leaving UF as I've found a better forum which a close friend (the one I dedicated the sunflower to) introduced me. I've not been very happy with my experience here. drop me a note and I'll give you the URL. Yeah I know this sounds weird but don't be concerned.
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Cemal Oktemer  (K:77)  
2/15/2004 4:44:18 PM

Marble, is it really a good name for this photo? Maybe it isi because no one can understand the background is really marbel. But anyway, living things on photos make me feel good. Congrulations...
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Marcel Laurens  (K:3654)  
2/15/2004 9:26:15 AM

i really like this one!
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Gregory Fiedler  (K:15439)  
2/12/2004 6:20:07 PM

Great shot Kelly.........
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Roy V  (K:13082)  
2/12/2004 4:58:11 PM

This is Great! Strong framing and excellent tones and contrast.
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Robert Walls  (K:1728)  
2/12/2004 4:37:24 PM

Hey Kelly, I can't help but laugh at this gator, his expression is adorable.
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Gino  Quattrocchi  (K:39580)  
1/22/2004 2:40:07 PM

Kelly ci regali la tua immagine !!!ora so che sei bella :-P e ti bacio e ti mordo il bel viso e.. vado a gustarmi il tuo portfolio
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

Critique By: Robert Walls  (K:1728)  
1/14/2004 6:03:20 PM

Hmmm direction from the misdirected! Most people only look at a picture for a few seconds so you need to choose the presentation which gets the message across immediately. I love the way B&W makes you focus on line, texture, form and light but in this case, the rich colours of the brick and sandstone are beautiful too. Great picture by the way! and amusing story.
        Photo By: Kelly C  (K:1358)

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