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Critiques From Bostjan Sagadin

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Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
2/17/2005 12:47:32 PM

Hmmm. I really don't see, what others do. I see just an image of herd of "deers" (they are beautiful, must admit), taken in the zoo or some other fenced yard. I don't think, the fence in background is just a coincidence. Sorry.
        Photo By: Teunis Haveman  (K:37426)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
2/17/2005 12:36:31 PM

        Photo By: Harry Eggens  (K:14804)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
2/17/2005 9:43:24 AM

Thanky you all for your comments.
Anna, black background is result of very closed aperture (F32), fast shutter speed and flash at +2 compensation. Also, the "real" background is about 10m away, becouse photo was taken at the balcony.
Your photos are nice. If you want more details (on the left photo) you could improve it by changeing the angle of view, so the background would be green or some other colour the orange or yellow.
        Photo By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
2/17/2005 1:23:00 AM

what's with the bokeh? It seems, like there's wire fence behind him. Or is it just me? Nice photo though.
        Photo By: Jim Christensen  (K:18843)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
2/9/2005 1:36:36 AM

Erik, I meant to be sarcastic. Well, I guess I wasn't clear enough.
        Photo By: Erik Neldner  (K:10846)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
2/9/2005 12:39:57 AM

I would sure buy this girl!
Nice setup, colors, and (have I already mentioned?) the girl
        Photo By: Erik Neldner  (K:10846)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
9/12/2004 6:34:07 PM

Nice shot. Clownfish is a bit out of focus. Is this photo taken in the wild or aquarium? Nice work thogh.
        Photo By: Phillip Robider  (K:0)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
7/25/2004 8:43:33 PM

Hehe, insect
        Photo By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
5/13/2004 4:42:48 PM

Yeah, in your wildlife book... I see thhose guys regulary nad more often, they are around 5+ cm long. This damsel is around 18cm on my magnification is arund 3,5X. It also depends on how big is your monitor . But that is not importan. Good luck next time.
        Photo By: Brenda Sellers  (K:322)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
5/13/2004 12:24:58 AM

Great one. Amazing DOF for such a small object.
        Photo By: Peter Ambruzs  (K:86)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
5/13/2004 12:23:50 AM

Great picture. Excelent focus on eyes, just where it is supposed to be. Keep up the good work!
        Photo By: Peter Ambruzs  (K:86)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
5/13/2004 12:21:56 AM

I don't like this crop. Damsel is also a bit out of focus (white wood in front is in focus though .
Also your description in not true. Those guys are nto so small. Better luck next time.
        Photo By: Brenda Sellers  (K:322)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
5/9/2004 9:11:10 PM

Great picture. This crop looks very good. It looks a little better, if some noise is removed
        Photo By: Glenn R. McGloughlin  (K:3716)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
3/30/2004 3:36:02 AM

Great. Not just the macro, but also the sky in background. Realy impressive image.
        Photo By: Geza Farkas  (K:12412)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
3/30/2004 3:26:55 AM

realy nice macro shot. The colours are outstanding. 7 for you.
        Photo By: Geza Farkas  (K:12412)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
3/29/2004 2:46:41 AM

Exactly, female wasp spider (Argiope bruenichi).
The focus is much better in original slide (DIA). Picter was scaned with some old scaner. I wasn't able to scan it better.
        Photo By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
3/29/2004 2:43:58 AM

Hi, thanks for the comment.
The size (legspan) of this particular tarantula was around 18cm, when the shot was taken. When it will be fully grown, it wil gain around 10 more centimeters. Really huge.
It was photographed in my terarium.
        Photo By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
3/27/2004 3:14:23 AM

Nice picture. I can't even imagin, how you manage to come so close to such a skitish and fast animal.
I don't like the frame though.
        Photo By: Gerry Pacher  (K:7303)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
3/27/2004 3:01:56 AM

Wauuu, this is really an amzing picture. I've tried to photograph such a deep macro many times, but my results aren't even close to this.

Keep up the good work.
        Photo By: Lukasz Sukiennik  (K:1)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
3/27/2004 2:46:01 AM

Really nice picture. Those water drops look amazing. Also the frame seems right, although I don't like them usualy.

I would crop it a little bit more though.

7 for you!
        Photo By: Elena Zabelina  (K:23212)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
3/27/2004 2:41:20 AM

Nice macro. The focus is on the eyes as it is supposed to be. BTW, the spider is dead, right?
        Photo By: Geza Farkas  (K:12412)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
3/25/2004 9:05:01 AM

Really excellent timing. Nice picture.

p.s.Jesper, it is not a fish
        Photo By: Michel Stuber  (K:417)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
3/25/2004 7:08:51 AM

Wauuu. This is realy great image. The sharpness is exactly where it is supposed to be. Keep up the good work.
        Photo By: Fred Lord  (K:4844)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
12/19/2003 9:53:40 AM

I would say overexposed. Nice though. Is it dead?
        Photo By: Jeff Cartwright  (K:52046)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
12/14/2003 3:47:06 AM


why is your comment here? Any reason?
        Photo By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
12/1/2003 10:46:26 AM

Focus should be on ants head.
        Photo By: CJ McKendry  (K:1388)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/30/2003 7:46:57 AM

Nice picture. The lighting is good. Those branches don't disturb too much. Keep up the good work.
        Photo By: Krystian Piekos  (K:6)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/29/2003 10:58:11 AM

I can only say wow. Amazing. Especialy couse its almost direct to the sun. Keep up the good work!
        Photo By: Gregory McLemore  (K:35129) Donor

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/29/2003 4:55:59 AM

Amazing shot. I like this moment, couse you can see his breath.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Bostjan Sagadin  (K:252)  
11/27/2003 4:45:26 PM

Nice. How did you come so close? ZOO?
        Photo By: geo van geffen  (K:397)

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